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Big-O notation finding c and n0



I've just been introduced to Big-O notation and I've been given some questions. However I'm confused as to how to determine the value of n0. I have to show that 3n^3 +20n^2 + 5 is O(n^3). So far I have:

3n^3 + 20n^2 + 5 <= cn^3

(3 - c)n^3 + 20n^2 + 5 <= 0

5 <= n^3(c - 3) - 20n^2

5 <= n^2(n(c - 3) - 20)

I just don't know what to do from here to find n0 and c. Would someone mind explaining?

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Dom Brown Avatar asked Jan 10 '13 00:01

Dom Brown

People also ask

How do you find C and n in Big O notation?

Since this is a simple function, you could just guess-and-check it (for example, pick 100 for c and note that the condition is indeed true asymptotically). That inequality holding true is enough to prove that f(n) is O(n^3).

How do you calculate n0 in Big O notation?

the Big-Oh condition holds for n ≥ n0 = 1 and c ≥ 22 (= 1 + 20 + 1). Larger values of n0 result in smaller factors c (e.g., for n0 = 10 c ≥ 1.201 and so on) but in any case the above statement is valid.

What is C in Big O notation?

C is probably popular simply because it's the first letter of "constant". At most, it's a convention. You could use some other letter and the meaning would be the same.

What is the value of n0?

the value n0 is some cutoff threshold. That is, it's the point where we say that n is "sufficiently large."

2 Answers

3n^3 + 20n^2 + 5 <= cn^3
=> 20n^2 + 5 <= cn^3 - 3n^3
=> 20n^2 + 5 <= n^3(c - 3)
=> 20n^2/n^3 + 5/n^3 <= n^3(c - 3)/n^3
=> 20/n + 5/n^3 <= c - 3
=> c >= 20/n + 5/n^3 + 3

Depending on where you want the greater than condition to begin, you can now choose n0 and find the value.

For example, for n0 = 1:

c >= 20/1 + 5/1 + 3 which yields c >= 28

It's worth noting that by the definition of Big-O notation, it's not required that the bound actually be this tight. Since this is a simple function, you could just guess-and-check it (for example, pick 100 for c and note that the condition is indeed true asymptotically).

For example:

3n^3 + 20n^2 + 5 <= (5 * 10^40) * n^3 for all n >= 1

That inequality holding true is enough to prove that f(n) is O(n^3).

To offer a better proof, it actually needs to be shown that two constants, c and n0 exist such that f(n) <= cg(n) for all n > n0.

Using our c = 28, this is very easy to do:

3n^3 + 20n^2 + 5 <= 28n^3
20n^2 + 5 <= 28n^3 - 3n^3
20n^2 + 5 <= 25n^3
20/n + 5/n^3 <= 25

When n = 1: 20 + 5 <= 25 or 25 <= 25
For any n > 1, 20/n + 5/n^3 < 25, thus for all n > 1 this holds true.

Thus 3n^3 + 20n^2 + 5 <= 28n^3 is true for all n >= 1

(That's a pretty badly done 'proof' but hopefully the idea shows.)

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Corbin Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 17:11


3n^3 + 20n^2 + 5 <= cn^3

5 + 20n^2 <= n^3(c - 3)

5/n^3 + 20/n <= c - 3

For n0 = 20, c >= 5, since 5/n^3 + 20/n < 2
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perreal Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 18:11
