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Big-O complexity of a piece of code

I have a question in algorithm design about complexity. In this question a piece of code is given and I should calculate this code's complexity. The pseudo-code is:

for(i=1;i<=n;i++){     j=i     do{         k=j;         j = j / 2;     }while(k is even); } 

I tried this algorithm for some numbers. and I have gotten different results. for example if n = 6 this algorithm output is like below

i = 1 -> executes 1 time i = 2 -> executes 2 times i = 3 -> executes 1 time i = 4 -> executes 3 times i = 5 -> executes 1 time i = 6 -> executes 2 times 

It doesn't have a regular theme, how should I calculate this?

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Behzad Hassani Avatar asked May 14 '15 09:05

Behzad Hassani

People also ask

How can I get Big O complexity of code?

To calculate Big O, you can go through each line of code and establish whether it's O(1), O(n) etc and then return your calculation at the end. For example it may be O(4 + 5n) where the 4 represents four instances of O(1) and 5n represents five instances of O(n).

What is the time complexity of the code?

Time complexity is defined as the amount of time taken by an algorithm to run, as a function of the length of the input. It measures the time taken to execute each statement of code in an algorithm.

What is the time complexity of the algorithm in Big O?

The time complexity of this problem is O(n + m) . The n here is one array and its elements; the m is the other array and its elements.

What is the complexity of this code in terms of Big O in a worst-case?

Exact Steps > Big O An algorithm takes 5 * N steps has complexity of O(N) in the worst case, which is smaller than the exact number of steps.

2 Answers

The upper bound given by the other answers is actually too high. This algorithm has a O(n) runtime, which is a tighter upper bound than O(n*logn).

Proof: Let's count how many total iterations the inner loop will perform.

The outer loop runs n times. The inner loop runs at least once for each of those.

  • For even i, the inner loop runs at least twice. This happens n/2 times.
  • For i divisible by 4, the inner loop runs at least three times. This happens n/4 times.
  • For i divisible by 8, the inner loop runs at least four times. This happens n/8 times.
  • ...

So the total amount of times the inner loop runs is:

n + n/2 + n/4 + n/8 + n/16 + ... <= 2n 

The total amount of inner loop iterations is between n and 2n, i.e. it's Θ(n).

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interjay Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 08:10


You always assume you get the worst scenario in each level.
now, you iterate over an array with N elements, so we start with O(N) already.
now let's say your i is always equals to X and X is always even (remember, worst case every time).
how many times you need to divide X by 2 to get 1 ? (which is the only condition for even numbers to stop the division, when they reach 1).
in other words, we need to solve the equation X/2^k = 1 which is X=2^k and k=log<2>(X) this makes our algorithm take O(n log<2>(X)) steps, which can easly be written as O(nlog(n))

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David Haim Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10

David Haim