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Bidirectional infinite scrolling with FlatList?



Has anyone had experience doing bidirectional infinite scrolling with FlatList (or any other component)?

My use case is I have a calendar month view that I want to be able to swipe left and right to get the next and previous month.

FlatList with onEndReached and onEndReachedThreshold works great for one direction, but there is no similar thing for the start. Any suggestions?

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Luke Ehresman Avatar asked Oct 16 '22 07:10

Luke Ehresman

1 Answers

You can use the onScroll props on the Flatlist for that: https://reactnative.dev/docs/scrollview#onscroll

                nativeEvent: {
                    contentInset: { bottom, left, right, top },
                    contentOffset: { x, y },
                    contentSize: { height: contentHeight, width: contentWidth },
                    layoutMeasurement: { height, width },
            }) => {
                if ( y <= your_start_threshold) {
                     // Do what you need to do on start reached

Only problem is that React native doesn't support bidirectional FlatList on Android. This means that when you add items to the start of your list, it will jump to the top instead of keeping the current items in view (https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/25239).

(iOs does have a maintainVisibleContentPosition props)

like image 158
Ryan Pergent Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 01:10

Ryan Pergent