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Better way to write retry logic without goto [duplicate]





Is there a better way to write this code without using goto? It seems awkward, but I can't think of a better way. I need to be able to perform one retry attempt, but I don't want to duplicate any code.

public void Write(string body)
    bool retry = false;
    catch (Exception)
        if( retry )
        // try to re-open the file...
        m_Outputfile = new StreamWriter(m_Filepath, true);
        retry = true;
        goto RetryPoint;
like image 963
CluelessCoder Avatar asked Nov 10 '10 20:11


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1. Simple for-loop with try-catch. A simple solution to implement retry logic in Java is to write your code inside a for loop that executes the specified number of times (the maximum retry value).

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Retry logic is implemented whenever there is a failing operation. Implement retry logic only where the full context of a failing operation. It's important to log all connectivity failures that cause a retry so that underlying problems with the application, services, or resources can be identified.

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You can specify a function to filter out exception you want to ignore or the one you want to use to retry. retry will call the function passed as retry_on_exception with the exception raised as first argument. It's up to the function to then return a boolean indicating if a retry should be performed or not.

1 Answers

Here is the basic logic that I would use instead of a goto statement:

bool succeeded = false;
int tries = 2;

        m_Outputfile = new StreamWriter(m_Filepath, true);
        succeeded = true;
while (!succeeded && tries > 0);

I just added # of tries logic, even though the original question didn't have any.

like image 76
Michael S. Scherotter Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 22:09

Michael S. Scherotter