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Better way to count number of occurrences of unique items?



I have a very long DataArray of strings, and I would like to to generate a DataFrame in which one column is all the unique strings and the second is the number of occurrences. Right now I'm doing something like

using DataFrames
df = DataFrame()
df[:B]=[ "a", "c", "c", "D", "E"]
uniqueB = unique(df[:B])
for i=1:size(uniqueB,1)
    howMany[i] = count(j->(j==uniqueB[i]), df[:B])
answer = DataFrame()
answer[:Letters] = uniqueB
answer[:howMany] = howMany

but it seems like there should be a much easier way to do this, possibly with a single line. (I know I could also make this a bit faster with somewhat more code by searching the result in each iteration rather than the source.) A possibly related question is here but it doesn't look like hist is overloaded for non-numerical bins. Any thoughts?

like image 214
ARM Avatar asked Apr 02 '15 00:04


1 Answers

If you want a full frame, you can group by B and call nrow on each group:

julia> by(df, :B, nrow)
4x2 DataFrames.DataFrame
| Row | B   | x1 |
| 1   | "D" | 1  |
| 2   | "E" | 1  |
| 3   | "a" | 1  |
| 4   | "c" | 2  |

Even outside the DataFrame context, though, you can always use DataStructures.counter rather than reimplementing it yourself:

julia> using DataStructures

julia> counter(df[:B])
like image 53
DSM Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 08:10