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Better design for passing data to other ng-view's and persisting it across controllers



I started developing in AngularJS. I'm confused as to whether this is a proper design to pass data between my partial views.

Right now I have a loader page where I do some request.

function PeopleController($scope,$http,$location){     $http.get('/location/-79.18925/43.77596').     success(function(data){       $scope.savePeopleResponse(data);       $location.url('/test');     }); } 

Then in the view that gets loaded for /test

I am just calling

<div ng-controller="resultController">     <div class="blueitem">{{getResultForPeople()|json}}</div> </div> 


    function resultController($scope){       $scope.getResultForPeople = function(){      return $scope.getPeopleResponse();     } } 

and the savePeopleResponse and getResultForPeople are "cached" in the rootScope as such

app.run(function($rootScope) {   var peopleResponse = {};   $rootScope.savePeopleResponse = function(data) {    peopleResponse = data;    console.log(data);   }    $rootScope.getPeopleResponse = function(){     return peopleResponse;   } }); 

Now as you can see, this will get very messy if this application grows larger and larger. What's the best way to handle data so that it's persisted across controllers?

like image 691
Faisal Abid Avatar asked Sep 25 '12 00:09

Faisal Abid

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1 Answers

You can persist data across controllers by creating your own service as described nicely in this blog. You can also refer to this question.

In your case you can move your savePeopleResponse and getPeopleResponse into a service and then inject the service into any controllers you would like to access it.

angular.module('myApp', [])     .factory('peopleService', function () {         var peopleResponse = {};          return {             savePeopleResponse:function (data) {                 peopleResponse = data;                 console.log(data);             },             getPeopleResponse:function () {                 return peopleResponse;             }         };     }); 

With your controller something like this:

function resultController ($scope, peopleService) {     $scope.getResultForPeople = peopleService.getPeopleResponse; } 

With this code example make sure you include ng-app="myApp"

like image 58
Gloopy Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 00:11
