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Best/quickest way to learn Java for a seasoned .NET/C# and C++ developer [closed]


What is the quickest/easiest way to learn Java for a seasoned .NET/C# (more than 7 years) and C++ (5years) developer.

When I say to learn Java - I mean being able to write applications in a "Java way" using base classes library + where needed using a popular Java libraries (it is great that so many of them are open source).

I know that Java development comes in a lot of flavors - enterprise applicatons (Java EE), mobile devices (Java ME), objects hosted in application servers (to my knowledge Java has a buch of these) - however at the moment I am interested in a general Java development - may be with a some emphasis on a integration projects/enterprise development.

So basically - I am a strong, passionate about technology, proud to be a senior C#/C++ developer with a dozen years of experience who wants to dedicate a month-worth (may be more) of evenings to learn to effectively program in Java environment.

Having said that I don't mean I am switching from .NET/C++ to Java - but I would probably have to spend 30%-50% of my development time developing/supporting/whateverstageintheSDLC in Java.

Thank you.

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Kevin Avatar asked Oct 20 '09 05:10


People also ask

Is it easy to learn Java if you know C#?

Both Java and C# are object oriented, have garbage collection, and compiled. Java has a focus on WORA and cross-platform portability and it's easier to learn. C# is used for everything Microsoft, and it's harder to learn. If you are new to coding, it's astonishingly easy to feel overwhelmed.

How long does it take to learn Java after C?

I would say 2 weeks. For a person with no prior programming experience, it is expected approximately 9 months, that is 5+3+1 months to completely understand and write Java programs.

Can I learn Java in 2 days?

To learn Java, we should have command on the Oops concepts like Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Abstraction because Java works on these principles. We should have to gain knowledge of the following concepts in two days. Polymorphism or Runtime Polymorphism and Compile-time Polymorphism.

Which is better to learn first C or Java?

In order to become a good programmer in JAVA you should start from the language C because it is the most basic language and in order to understand the concepts of JAVA first you should learn C than C++ and after that go for JAVA.

1 Answers

  1. I suggest starting with The Java Language Specification. I don't think there is any quicker or more comprehensive way of gaining an understanding of the language for a seasoned programmer.

  2. Followed by Java Collections Tutorial.

  3. Followed by java.lang.* and java.util.* classes, interfaces and packages.

This will give a good basis for learning and understanding any other branch of Java as it becomes necessary.

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Vlad Gudim Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 11:10

Vlad Gudim