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best way to trigger AngularJS ng-show



I'm building an autocomplete box in AngularJS. The relevant code looks like this

<input type="text" ng-model="tag">
<div ng-show="tag">
    <li ng-repeat="t in user.tags | filter:{name:tag}">

I'd like to know what is the best way to show the list of suggestions when "tag" has no value (i.e. I want to show all the tags when the user press the down key. No need to mention the keypressing code on the answer).

like image 530
Sovos Avatar asked Dec 16 '12 13:12


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1 Answers

ng-show works with any expression that results in a bool, so all you need to do is replace "tag" with "tag === ''", or some equivalent if your tag is going to be undefined or null.

If you only want to show when a certain key is pressed I would create another variable which you set to true when the down key is pressed and check for that also, e.g.

$scope.KeyPressed = false;
$scope.Tags = '';

$scope.ShowTags = function () {
    return $scope.KeyPressed && $scope.Tags !== '';

Then in you div:

<div ng-show="ShowTags()">

See jsfiddle for example

If you need to change any of the variables from within a jquery plugin you may need to use

like image 69
tocallaghan Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 03:09
