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Best way to split arrays into multiple small arrays in ruby





What is the simplest way to split arrays into multiple arrays based on some conditions? In my scenario, I need to move the integer and the string values to different arrays. I have tried split method, but does not work as expected.

x.split {|item| item.kind_of? Fixnum}

In C#, there is a group by option in Linq, which helps you group the objects based on the conditions. Is there a similar method on Object (not using activerecord) ?

Is there a simple way?

like image 410
RameshVel Avatar asked Apr 16 '11 12:04


2 Answers

You're looking for Enumerable#partition:

x = [1, 2, 3, "a", "b", 4]
numbers, not_numbers = x.partition{|item| item.kind_of?(Fixnum)}
# => [[1, 2, 3, 4], ["a", "b"]]
like image 133
Dogbert Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 19:09


Just to throw some more solutions into the pool:

x = [1,2,3,"a","b",4]

numbers = x.select{ |e| e.is_a?(Fixnum) } # => [1, 2, 3, 4]
letters = x - numbers # => ["a", "b"]

numbers = x.select{ |e| e.kind_of?(Fixnum) } # => [1, 2, 3, 4]
letters = x - numbers # => ["a", "b"]


(numbers, letters) = x.group_by {|a| a.class}.values_at(Fixnum, String)
numbers # => [1, 2, 3, 4]
letters # => ["a", "b"]

Along with some benchmarks showing how a subtle change effects speed:

require 'benchmark'

x = [1,2,3,"a","b",4] * 100
n = 10_000
Benchmark.bm do |bench|
  bench.report { n.times {
    numbers = x.select{ |e| e.is_a?(Fixnum) }
    letters = x - numbers

  bench.report { n.times {
    numbers = x.select{ |e| e.kind_of?(Fixnum) }
    letters = x - numbers

  bench.report { n.times {
    (numbers, letters) = x.group_by {|a| a.class}.values_at(Fixnum, String)

  bench.report { n.times {
    numbers, not_numbers = x.partition{|item| item.kind_of? Fixnum}
# >>       user     system      total        real
# >>   4.270000   0.010000   4.280000 (  4.282922)
# >>   4.290000   0.000000   4.290000 (  4.288720)
# >>   5.160000   0.010000   5.170000 (  5.163695)
# >>   3.720000   0.000000   3.720000 (  3.721459)
like image 26
the Tin Man Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 19:09

the Tin Man