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Best way to prevent returning last evaluated expression



Suppose I want to write a method in ruby whose last line is a method call but I do not want to return its return value. Is there a more elegant way to accomplish this other than adding a nil after the call?

def f(param)
    # some extra logic with param
    g(param) # I don't want to return the return of g
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Ryan Haining Avatar asked Jul 08 '13 23:07

Ryan Haining

1 Answers

If you want to make it "poke you in the eye" explicit, just say "this method doesn't return anything":

def f(param)
    # some extra logic with param
    g(param) # I don't want to return the return of g

f(x) will still evaluate to nil but a bare return is an unambiguous way to say "this method doesn't return anything of interest", a trailing nil means that "this method explicitly returns nil" and that's not quite the same as not returning anything of use.

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mu is too short Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09

mu is too short