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Best way to join 2 tables using hibernate



I have 2 hibernate entities/tables and need to combine information from both for use in a view. The tables are

Table Client:

Table Appointment:
  clientId (and some other fields I don't need now)

There is a one-to-many relationship between client and Appointment, based on clientID. In regular SQL I'd just say something like:

    Client  client, 
    Appointment app 
    client.clientId = appt.clientId

and use the recordset that was returned.

I'm not sure how to do this in Hibernate. Should I create a ClientAppt entity and then do something like the above select (modified somewhat for HQL)?

Note, I thought of using SecondaryTable approach, but I think that requires a 1 to 1 relationship? I suppose I could map a one to many, but is there an alternative? This is a one time change and mapping a one to many relationship might be a bit expensive for something this small? What is the best approach? Thanks

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Dave Avatar asked Sep 19 '12 01:09


4 Answers

You can model this many ways. What I would do is have the Client be an Entity, and have the various appointments be a element collection. You didn't specify language, but in Java it would be like:

public class ClientAppts {

    Set<Appointment> appointments;

public class Appointment {

    private ClientAppts client;


You can then fetch Clients using whatever method you prefer, with the simplest being:

    session.get(Client.class, clientId);

Hibernate will do the join and return a Client object with a set of appointments. You can go further make the set a SortedSet, or add an index to it to make it a List.

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sharakan Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09


The "Best" way (imho) is not to think of the normal SQL way. Don't think of selecting certain fields and there are tables you are joining. You should try to make meaningful business entities and you should work on those business entities.

For example, here is what I would do:

(not actual code, just show the idea)

public class Client {
  private Long id;

  private String longName;

public class Appointment {
  private Long id;

  private Client client;

With the above mapping, what you need to do is nothing more than a HQL from Appointment a where a.client.id = :whatEverIdYouWant, or, to save the extra query to DB, from Appointment a join fetch a.client where a.client.id = :whatEverIdYouWant

You may also add @sharakan's mapping if your design doesn't mind Client depending on Appointment

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Adrian Shum Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09

Adrian Shum

You should use Projections.alias to specify the list of columns you are interested in. See the hibernate manual here for example.

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Vikdor Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09


public class Appoinment {

public List<Appointment > methodName(String search) {
    String hql =" from Appointment a join fetch a.client where a.client.id = 

    Query<Appointment > query=this.getSession().createQuery(hql,Appointment 
    Long id=-1L;
    try {
    }catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
    query.setParameter("id", id);
    query.setParameter("search", "%" +search+ "%");
    return query.getResultList();

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vibol rim Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09

vibol rim