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Best way to initialize beans in Spring context after application started?




I need to initialize beans in the Spring context after my application has started; currently, I initialize beans in a class with annotation @Configuration like this:

@Configuration public class AppConfig {    @Inject    @Bean    public BeanA init(param1, param2, etc...) {        --- Code to construct bean A ---    }     @Inject    @Bean    public BeanB init(param1, param2, etc...) {        --- Code to construct bean B ---    } } 

But some beans I need to initialize after application startup so my approach is create a class listen to ApplicationReadyEvent event in Spring and put the code to initialize beans in that class.

@Configuration class ApplicationStartingListener implements ApplicationListener<ApplicationReadyEvent>{     ---- Code to init bean here ----      @Override     public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationReadyEvent event) {         --- If I put init bean code in here, is it correct? ----     } } 

Is this the best way? Or there are some other better solutions?

like image 317
Thong Vo Avatar asked Aug 18 '17 03:08

Thong Vo

People also ask

Which of the following is the most suitable way to initialize the bean?

In spring you can initialize a bean by having the applicationContext. xml invoke a constructor, or you can set properties on the bean.

How do I initialize a bean instance in Spring?

Using Annotation: To provide the facility to the created bean to invoke custom init() method on the startup of a spring container and to invoke the custom destroy() method on closing the container, we need annotate init() method by @PostConstruct annotation and destroy() method by @PreDestroy annotation.

Does application context pre instantiate beans?

The default behavior for ApplicationContext implementations is to eagerly pre-instantiate all singleton beans at startup.

1 Answers

I will enumerate other approaches in order to init beans, I grouped the approach in Standard Approach and Spring Boot Approach.

Standard Approach

  1. @PostConstruct: it is just an annotation that triggers a method after bean is create, it doesn't allow input parameters.
  2. @Bean(init-method="somInitMehotd"): this approach is totally related to Spring bean lifecycle and it is called after bean creation, if you are using another method with @PostConstruct annotation, then the @PostConstruct will be called first. This approach doesn't allow input parameters.
  3. ApplicationListener: this interface allows to listen the standard events related to the Context Lifecycle, also it can listen customized events. For example: create a class MyAppListener and implements ApplicationListener<ContextRefreshedEvent> in this case the MyAppListener will implement an onApplicationEvent method that receives a ContextRefreshedEvent

Spring Boot Approach

  1. The runners: There are two very useful interfaces CommandLineRunner and ApplicationRunner both of them will run after ApplicationContext is created both of them allows to inject beans as input parameters.

  2. Spring boot listeners: Spring Application gives some additional events than the standards events that comes from the Application Context. One of the event is ApplicationReadyEvent and it is fire when the application is ready to receive request. In order to listen this events just implements the ApplicationListener using ApplicationReadyEvent as generic.

Here is the example:

MyBean class has different methods that will be called for each approach listed above, every method will call a print method and that method has a Thread.sleep in order to validate the order that every listener is called.

import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; public class MyBean {      private String myVar="";      public MyBean(){      }      @PostConstruct     public void postConstructInit(){          this.myVar="Post init called";         print();      }      public void beanInit(){          this.myVar="Bean init called";         print();     }      public void contextInit(){          this.myVar="Context init called";         print();     }      public void runnerInit(){          this.myVar="Runner init called";         print();     }      public void bootListenerInit(){          this.myVar="Boot init called";         print();     }        public void print(){         System.out.println(this.myVar);         try {             Thread.sleep(3000);         } catch (InterruptedException e) {             e.printStackTrace();         }     } } 

Here is the ContextRefreshListener class that will listen the ContextRefreshedEvent and handle it.

public class ContextRefreshListener implements ApplicationListener<ContextRefreshedEvent> {     @Override     public void onApplicationEvent(ContextRefreshedEvent contextRefreshedEvent) {         contextRefreshedEvent.getApplicationContext().getBean(MyBean.class).contextInit();      } } 

And it is the BootListener that will receive the ApplicationReadyEvent that comes from Spring Application.

public class MyBootListener implements ApplicationListener<ApplicationReadyEvent> {     @Override     public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationReadyEvent applicationReadyEvent) {         applicationReadyEvent.getApplicationContext().getBean(MyBean.class).bootListenerInit();     } } 

And finally the Spring Boot Application

@SpringBootApplication public class StackoverflowBootApplication {       public static void main(String[] args) {          SpringApplication.run(StackoverflowBootApplication.class, args);      }      @Bean(name = "myBean", initMethod = "beanInit")     public MyBean getMyBean(){         return new MyBean();     }       @Bean     public ContextRefreshListener getContextRefreshedListener(){return new ContextRefreshListener();}       @Bean     public MyBootListener getBootListener(){return new MyBootListener();}      @Bean     public CommandLineRunner getRunner(ApplicationContext ctx){         return (args) -> {             ctx.getBean(MyBean.class).runnerInit();         };     }  } 

The output is:

Post init called Bean init called Context init called Runner init called  Boot init called 

Post init called output comes from

@PostConstruct public void init(){     this.initByPostconstruct="Post init called"; 

Bean init called comes from the initMethod value

@Bean(name = "myBean", initMethod = "beanInit") public MyBean getMyBean(){     return new MyBean(); } } 

Context init called comes from ContextRefreshedEvent

public void onApplicationEvent(ContextRefreshedEvent contextRefreshedEvent) {     contextRefreshedEvent.getApplicationContext().getBean(MyBean.class).contextInit();  } 

Runner init called comes from CommandLineRunner

@Bean public CommandLineRunner getRunner(ApplicationContext ctx){     return (args) -> {         ctx.getBean(MyBean.class).runnerInit();     }; } 

Boot init called comes from ApplicationReadyEvent

   public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationReadyEvent applicationReadyEvent) {         applicationReadyEvent.getApplicationContext().getBean(MyBean.class).bootListenerInit();     } 

All the listed scenarios were triggered by Spring, I didi'nt call any of the events directly, all of them were called by Spring Framework.

like image 178
Daniel C. Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 19:09

Daniel C.