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Best way to Identify a user uniquely [closed]

I am building a Like/Dislike feature. For this purpose I need to identify the particular user liking or disliking the post. I have an idea that without user logins this cannot be done perfectly, but whats the closest to perfect technique, Issues I have are stated below:

  • Cookies can be cleared, and vary form browser to browser
  • Most of the users dont have a dedicated public IP, and their IP keeps on changing for every session
  • a combo of cookies and IP might also not serve the purpose

So which technique shall I use to implement it ?

The language I am using for this is PHP

like image 653
Umair Jabbar Avatar asked Oct 13 '10 10:10

Umair Jabbar

People also ask

What is used to identify a website without having to remember the IP address?

A domain name is the address using which users can access a website. They are used in place of IP addresses to help users identify a website without having to remember a string of numbers. Every domain name has to be unique and no two domains can be the same. You have to register a domain name before using it.

1 Answers

Recently I read an article about this question and was surprised of how many methods exist for such task. IP and cookies are just "the tip of the iceberg". Look at evercookie, js library that produces "extremely persistent cookies".

like image 128
galymzhan Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 06:10
