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Best way to generate code in C# similar to using decorators?



Say I have a pattern that I'm constantly repeating. Something like:

static class C {
  private static extern uint MyNativeCall1(Action a);
  public static uint MyWrapper1(Action a) {
    // Do something
    return MyNativeCall1(a);

  private static extern uint MyNativeCall2(Action a);
  public static uint MyWrapper2(Action a) {
    // Do something
    return MyNativeCall2(a);


  private static extern uint MyNativeCallN(Action a);
  public static uint MyWrapperN(Action a) {
    // Do something
    return MyNativeCallN(a);

The only thing different in all those is the name of the native function and wrapper method. Is there a way to generate them via something like decorators? At first I thought C# attributes were decorators. That is, that I could generate the code via something like [GenerateScaffolding("MyNativeCall1")]. But it seems attributes are more like annotations, instantiating a class that holds some metadata.

Neither does C# have macros. So is there any way to do this?

A few things to keep in mind:

  • The idea is that the wrapper methods have extra code; they are not merely calling the native functions.
  • The idea is also that the generated code can be interleaved with other existing code inside a class and not to generate the class file itself; something like either decorators or C/C++ macros.
  • The approach should not depend on any particular IDE. Specifically, I'm not on Visual Studio.
like image 307
SaldaVonSchwartz Avatar asked Jun 25 '14 07:06


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1 Answers

Taking the idea from this MSDN article on T4 Templates, you could so something like:

<#@ template debug="false" hostspecific="false" language="C#" #>
<#@ output extension=".cs" #>
static class C {
    int N = 15;
    for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
    { #>
    private static extern uint MyNativeCall<#= i #>(Action a);
    public static uint MyWrapper<%#= i #>(Action a) {
        return MyNativeCall<#= i #>(a);
<# }  #>
like image 86
CodingIntrigue Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 22:10
