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Best way to find the most costly path in graph

I have a directed acyclic graph on which every vertex has a weight >= 0. There is a vertex who is the "start" of the graph and another vertex who is the "end" of the graph. The idea is to find the path from the start to the end whose sum of the weights of the vertices is the greater. For example, I have the next graph:

I(0) -> V1(3) -> F(0)
I(0) -> V1(3) -> V2(1) -> F(0)
I(0) -> V3(0.5) -> V2(1) -> F(0)

The most costly path would be I(0) -> V1(3) -> V2(1) -> F(0), which cost is 4.

Right now, I am using BFS to just enumerate every path from I to F as in the example above, and then, I choose the one with the greatest sum. I am afraid this method can be really naive.

Is there a better algorithm to do this? Can this problem be reduced to another one?

like image 563
Rafael Angarita Avatar asked Jun 14 '13 13:06

Rafael Angarita

People also ask

How do you find maximum cost path?

Approach: The idea is to check if there exists a loop exists in the graph, then all vertices of the loop need to be traversed and then traverse graph towards the leaf nodes with the maximum cost. And if the loop does not exist then the problem statement converts to find maximum cost path in any directed graph.

How do you find the maximum path on a graph?

Denote L(u) to be the longest valid path starting at node u. Your base case is L(n-1) = [n-1] (i.e., the path containing only node n-1). Then, for all nodes s from n-2 to 0, perform a BFS starting at s in which you only allow traversing edges (u,v) such that v > u.

What is the cost of a path in a graph?

The cost of a path in a costed graph is the sum of the cost of the edges that make up the path. The cheapest path between two nodes is the path between them that has the lowest cost. For example, in the above costed graph, the cheapest path between node a and node f is [a,c,e,f] with cost 7+2+3, that is 12.

How do you calculate path cost?

To find the minimum cost path in a directed graph, the approach is to employ Depth-First-Search traversal to address the problem. DFS is commonly used to determine the shortest paths in a graph, and the DFS can calculate the minimum distance of all nodes from the source, intermediate nodes, and destination nodes.

2 Answers

Since your graph has no cycles* , you can negate the weights of your edges, and run Bellman-Ford's algorithm.

* Shortest path algorithms such as Floyd-Warshall and Bellman-Ford do not work on graphs with negative cycles, because you can build a path of arbitrarily small weight by staying in a negative cycle.
like image 197
Sergey Kalinichenko Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 08:10

Sergey Kalinichenko

You can perform a topological sort, then iterate through the list of vertices returned by the topological sort, from the start vertex to the end vertex and compute the costs. For each directed edge of the current vertex check if you can improve the cost of destination vertex, then move to the next one. At the end cost[end_vertex] will contain the result.

class grph:
    def __init__(self):
        self.no_nodes = 0
        self.a = []

    def build(self, path):

        file = open(path, "r")
        package = file.readline()
        self.no_nodes = int(package[0])

        self.a = []
        for i in range(self.no_nodes):
            self.a.append([10000] * self.no_nodes)

        for line in file:
            package = line.split(' ')
            source = int(package[0])
            target = int(package[1])
            cost = int(package[2])

            self.a[source][target] = cost


def tarjan(graph):
    visited = [0] * graph.no_nodes
    path = []

    for i in range(graph.no_nodes):
        if visited[i] == 0:
            if not dfs(graph, visited, path, i):
                return []
    return path[::-1]

def dfs(graph, visited, path, start):
    visited[start] = 1
    for i in range(graph.no_nodes):
        if graph.a[start][i] != 10000:
            if visited[i] == 1:
                return False
            elif visited[i] == 0:
                visited[i] = 1
                if not dfs(graph, visited, path, i):
                    return False
    visited[start] = 2
    return True

def lw(graph, start, end):

    topological_sort = tarjan(graph)
    costs = [0] * graph.no_nodes

    i = 0
    while i < len(topological_sort) and topological_sort[i] != start:
        i += 1

    while i < len(topological_sort) and topological_sort[i] != end:

        vertex = topological_sort[i]

        for destination in range(graph.no_nodes):

            if graph.a[vertex][destination] != 10000:

                new_cost = costs[vertex] + graph.a[vertex][destination]
                if new_cost > costs[destination]:
                    costs[destination] = new_cost

        i += 1

    return costs[end]

Input file:

0 1 6
1 2 2
3 0 10
1 4 4
2 5 9
4 2 2
0 2 10
like image 39
Alexandru Darie Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 09:10

Alexandru Darie