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Best way to do a case insensitive replace but match the case of the word to be replaced?

So far I've come up with the method below but my question is is there a shorter method out there that has the same result?

My Code :

input_str       = "myStrIngFullOfStUfFiWannAReplaCE_StUfFs"
replace_str     = "stuff"
replacer_str    = "banana"

print input_str
# prints: myStrIngFullOfStUfFiWannAReplaCE_StUfFs

if replace_str.lower() in input_str.lower():            # Check if even in the string
    begin_index = input_str.lower().find( replace_str )
    end_index   = begin_index + len( replace_str )

    replace_section = input_str[ begin_index : end_index ]

    case_list = []
    for char in replace_section:                        # Get cases of characters in the section to be replaced
        case_list.append( char.istitle() )

    while len( replacer_str ) > len(case_list):
        case_list += case_list

    sameCase_replacer_str   = ""                        # Set match the replacer string's case to the replace
    replacer_str            = replacer_str.lower()
    for index in range( len(replacer_str) ):
        char = replacer_str[ index ]
        case = case_list[ index ]
        if case == True:
            char = char.title()

        sameCase_replacer_str += char

    input_str = input_str.replace( replace_section , sameCase_replacer_str )

print input_str
# prints: myStrIngFullOfBaNaNAiWannAReplaCE_BaNaNAs
like image 594
Jay Avatar asked Feb 09 '12 10:02


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Is the String replace function case sensitive? Yes, the replace function is case sensitive. That means, the word “this” has a different meaning to “This” or “THIS”. In the following example, a string is created with the different case letters, that is followed by using the Python replace string method.

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Replace() method allows you to easily replace a substring with another substring, or a character with another character, within the contents of a String object. This method is very handy, but it is always case-sensitive.

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My suggestion would be to create a custom function query named Text_ReplaceIgnoreCase, with the following code: Very nice solution Colin, as yours will also translate all substrings within a string. Just in case this is not what's needed, but the replacement shall only be performed on complete strings, one could use this function then:

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3 Answers

I'd use something like this:

import re

def replacement_func(match, repl_pattern):
    match_str = match.group(0)
    repl = ''.join([r_char if m_char.islower() else r_char.upper()
                   for r_char, m_char in zip(repl_pattern, match_str)])
    repl += repl_pattern[len(match_str):]
    return repl

input_str = "myStrIngFullOfStUfFiWannAReplaCE_StUfFs"
print re.sub('stuff',
             lambda m: replacement_func(m, 'banana'),
             input_str, flags=re.I)

Example output:



  • This handles the case in which the different matches have different upper/lower case combinations.
  • It's assumed that the replacement pattern is in lower case (that's very easy to change, anyway).
  • If the replacement pattern is longer than the match, the same case as in the pattern is used.
like image 50
jcollado Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 01:10


You can pass flags=re.I to re.sub() to ignore-case

>>> input_str       = "myStrIngFullOfStUfFiWannAReplaCE_StUfFs"
>>> replace_str     = "stuff"
>>> replacer_str    = "banana"
>>> import re
>>> from itertools import zip_longest
>>> tr = lambda x, y: ''.join([i[0].upper() if i[1] else i[0].lower() for i in zip_longest(y, [c.isupper() for c in x], fillvalue=(lambda : '' if len(x)>len(y) else x[-1].isupper())())])
>>> re.sub(replace_str, lambda m: tr(m.group(0), replacer_str), input_str, flags=re.I)
like image 40
kev Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 01:10


From the code it's obvious that the case pattern for replacement is made from the match case pattern by repeating it over (so StufF -> BanaNA). Bearing this in mind I would first find case pattern for the whole string, and then bring the string to desired case:

def to_case(s, cmap):
    'returns string cased according to map'
    return ''.join([c.upper() if m else c for (c,m) in zip(s,cmap)])

input_str       = "myStrIngFullOfStUfFiWannAReplaCE_StUfFs"
replace_str     = "stuff"
replacer_str    = "banana"

case_map = [c.istitle() for c in input_str] # initial case map
input_str_lower = input_str.lower()    

while replace_str.lower() in input_str_lower:            # Check if even in the string
    ind = input_str_lower.find(replace_str)  # find index
    cases = [case_map[(ind + i % len(replace_str))] for i in range(len(replacer_str))] # replacement case pattern
    case_map = case_map[:ind] + cases + case_map[ind + len(replace_str):]
    input_str_lower = input_str_lower.replace(replace_str, replacer_str, 1)

print to_case(input_str_lower, case_map)
# prints: myStrIngFullOfBaNaNAiWannAReplaCE_BaNaNAs
like image 1
Andrey Sobolev Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 02:10

Andrey Sobolev