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Best way to deploy on Glassfish V3

What is the best way to deploy my web project (or ear project) to remote server and glassfish?

How to use ant-deploy.xml and build-impl.xml that netbeans create for this purpose?

Using autodeploy folder and separately adding sun-resources.xml to the GF Or Using ant and....

Would you please explain me step by step?


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Nav Avatar asked Sep 03 '10 12:09


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1 Answers

Well, you could manually deploy your app via the admin console.

Or you could use the asadmin command. A remote deployment in its simplest from would look like:

asadmin deploy --user=<adminuser> --host=<hostname> <path to jar/war/ear>

And this could be shell scripted, or wrapped in Ant, or Maven.

Or you could use more specialized tools (the Ant Task, the maven glassfish plugin, the maven asadmin plugin, Cargo).

It all depends on your context, there is no single answer and there are many possibilities. If you don't know what you're looking for, just use the Ant build scripts created by NetBeans.

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Pascal Thivent Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 08:10

Pascal Thivent