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Best Practices on using C# Intellisense Comments

We have a Visual Studio 2010 solution that contains several C# projects in accordance with Jeffery Palermo's Onion Architecture pattern (http://jeffreypalermo.com/blog/the-onion-architecture-part-1/). We want to add the Visual Studio Intellisense Comments using the triple slashes, but we want to see if anyone knows of best practices on how far to take this. Do we start all the way down in the Model in the Core project, and work up through Infrastructure and into the DataAccess Services and Repositories, and into the User Interface? Or is it better to use these comments in a more limited fashion, and if so what are the important objects to apply the Intellisense Comments to?

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Russ Clark Avatar asked Jan 22 '23 14:01

Russ Clark

1 Answers

Add them to any methods exposed in public APIs, that way you can give the caller all the information they need when working with a foreign interface. For example, which exceptions the method may throw and other remarks.

It's still beneficial to add these kinds of comments to private methods, I do it anyway to be consistent. It also helps if you plan on generating documentation from the comments.

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fletcher Avatar answered Feb 01 '23 01:02
