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Best practices for defining Kubernetes namespaces and labels



I am looking for some good examples about structuring namespaces in Kubernetes clusters, and an appropriate way to label my pods for long term maintainability.

Can you recommend some resources, or examples from real world applications that follow some solid practices?

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Igor Šarčević Avatar asked Mar 06 '18 13:03

Igor Šarčević

People also ask

How is Kubernetes namespace defined?

Namespaces are a way to organize clusters into virtual sub-clusters — they can be helpful when different teams or projects share a Kubernetes cluster. Any number of namespaces are supported within a cluster, each logically separated from others but with the ability to communicate with each other.

What is the difference between labels and annotations in Kubernetes?

Labels can be used to select objects and to find collections of objects that satisfy certain conditions. In contrast, annotations are not used to identify and select objects. The metadata in an annotation can be small or large, structured or unstructured, and can include characters not permitted by labels.

Why labels are used in Kubernetes?

Kubernetes labels are key-value pairs that can connect identifying metadata with Kubernetes objects. Kubernetes offers integrated support for using these labels to query objects and perform bulk operations on selected subsets.

How do I See which Kubernetes resources are in a namespace?

To see which Kubernetes resources are and aren't in a namespace: The Kubernetes control plane sets an immutable label kubernetes.io/metadata.name on all namespaces, provided that the NamespaceDefaultLabelName feature gate is enabled. The value of the label is the namespace name.

How to visualize and manage Kubernetes objects with more tools?

You can visualize and manage Kubernetes objects with more tools than kubectl and the dashboard. A common set of labels allows tools to work interoperably, describing objects in a common manner that all tools can understand. In addition to supporting tooling, the recommended labels describe applications in a way that can be queried.

What do the recommended Kubernetes application labels mean?

In addition to supporting tooling, the recommended labels describe applications in a way that can be queried. The metadata is organized around the concept of an application. Kubernetes is not a platform as a service (PaaS) and doesn't have or enforce a formal notion of an application. Instead, applications are informal and described with metadata.

What is a shared prefix in Kubernetes?

The shared prefix ensures that shared labels do not interfere with custom user labels. In order to take full advantage of using these labels, they should be applied on every resource object. An application can be installed one or more times into a Kubernetes cluster and, in some cases, the same namespace.

2 Answers


  • I recommend grouping resources by namespaces for "resources you can just delete altogether".

  • Most notably, Kubernetes Policy objects (like RBAC, PodSecurityPolicy, NetworkPolicy, ResourceQuota) are per-namespace. So "namespaces" are often for organizational/team boundary.


  • These can be applied to any kind of object (incl. namespaces)
  • Think of labels that indicate logical grouping of objects.
  • For example you can have an app=paymentservice label for everything that empowers this app (Pods, Service, Secret)
  • You can also use labels to indicate:
    • version/commit numbers: gitcommit=235ab3f
    • purpose (especially useful while testing namespaces etc) purpose=testing
    • organizational boundary (again, for namespaces) team=payments
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ahmet alp balkan Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09

ahmet alp balkan

A good starting point is Ahmet Alp Balkan's resource "kubernetes-network-policy-recipes".


You can see examples of labels like one allowing traffic only to a port of an application:


kind: NetworkPolicy
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
  name: api-allow-5000
      app: apiserver
  - ports:
    - port: 5000
    - podSelector:
          role: monitoring

That helps illustrating a good label policy, ie one which helps your use case (that is: what you are trying to do as a network policy)

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VonC Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09
