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Best Practices - Design before coding [closed]



I'm curious How do you people think ? (I mean a way of thinking) about design architecture of your Libraries, Systems, Frameworks, etc. before start coding it.

I recently find my self feeling pain in what I've done, and practically every time I want to start everything from scratch..

I do design before, painting some schemes on the paper and imagine how it will work, but maybe I do it in a wrong way ?

For example how do you decide what Interfaces you will need, or how everything will be connected in a best way ?

(I had a problem some day ago, my friend asked me a library what I've done some time ago, and instead of giving him just one file, I had to give him about 3-4 files, and that's because they're connected in some way.. but not in the right one I think :) so it was my mistake in design..)

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Lukas Šalkauskas Avatar asked Dec 17 '08 08:12

Lukas Šalkauskas

People also ask

How do you design before coding?

The thinking about design is mostly written down in tests. Written before the code to implement it. Start with the stakeholders end-goals, work from there backwards to the beginning (Time-inversion). That ensures that you concentrate on what, and less on how.

Is it important to design first your application before coding Why?

You will never be able to come up with a good design without writing code first (school will never teach you this). Yet, school is right that you won't get good code without design. The solution is: Write some code that you think might solve the problem.

What is the designing of software applications before coding?

Designing is important before coding as, it will pave a pattern to what you want to code. The design will let you know what to code as well as how to start and keep track of your progress. Without deigning you will always have to alter the code and re-write again.

2 Answers

I usually do enough analysis of the problem domain on paper/white board to get a good enough understanding of the problem domain to start writing code. I rarely draw implementation or class diagrams on paper. A key technique I've found to achieve better design is to not get too attached to the code you write. If I don't like it, I delete, rename, move and shuffle it around until it expresses a good enough solution to what I'm trying to solve. Sounds easy? Not at all! But with good "coding" tools, actually writing the code is not the major effort. Write some, refactor, delete, write again...

Good design almost never start out good. It evolves to good. Accepting this makes it easier to work in small steps without getting frustrated why the design isn't "perfect". In order for this process to work you have to posses good design skills though. The point being, even excellent designers don't get it right the first time.

Many times, I thought I understood the problem domain when I started, but I didn't. I then go back to the white board, talk to someone or read up on the problem domain if I realize I don't understand it well enough. I then go back to the code.

It is a very iterative processes.

An interesting question to ask when dealing with how programmers think, is how they developed their way of thinking. Personally, my way of thinking has evolved over the years, but a few events have had profound influence on the way I develop software. The most important among them have been to design software with people who are expert designers. Nothing has influenced me more than spending iterations with great designers. Another event that has, and still do, affect the way I think is going back and look at software I wrote some time back.

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Kim Major Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 03:10

Kim Major

For an object oriented approach, I find it is generally a good idea to step away from the user interface for a bit, and focus on what entities (objects) will exist in the system, and what properties and actions are appropriate.

Drawing on a whiteboard or large piece of paper, using different colors to identify various characteristics is also a good idea. Post-it notes are also a nice way to visualise your model.

Even if I spend a lot of time to think through a design very carefully, I ALWAYS end up changing it as I go. So it's good keep in mind that your design WILL change as you make a decision about how to document your design.

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Ola Eldøy Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 04:10

Ola Eldøy