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Best practice to create absolute URLs with Zend framework?

Is there a best practice for creating absolute URLs using the Zend framework? I wonder if there is some helper or if this would just be concatenating the scheme, host, etc. from the $_SERVER variable and then add the relative path generated by Zend.

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ck. Avatar asked Dec 10 '09 14:12


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Is Zend framework in PHP?

Zend is an open source PHP framework. It is pure object-oriented and built around the MVC design pattern. Zend framework contains collection of PHP packages which can be used to develop web applications and services. Zend was started by Andi Gutmans and Zeev Suraski.

3 Answers

phpfour's way is OK, but you have to check for https://, ftp:// and mailto: too... :)

I prefefer having all urls root-absolute (/files/js/jquery.js). The "hardcore zend way" is

// document root for example.com is in /htdocs 
// but application's index.php resides in /htdocs/myapp/public
echo $this->baseUrl('css/base.css'); 
//will return /myapp/public/css/base.css

echo $this->serverUrl() . $this->baseUrl('css/base.css');
//will return http://www.example.com/myapp/public/css/base.css

echo '//' . $this->getHelper('ServerUrl')->getHost() . $this->baseUrl('css/base.css');
//will return protocol relative URL //www.example.com/myapp/public/css/base.css
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Tomáš Fejfar Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 16:10

Tomáš Fejfar

Without mvc

echo $this->serverUrl() . $this->baseUrl('cass/base.css');

or with mvc

echo  $this->serverUrl() . $this->url(array('controller'=>'index','action'=>'index'),null,true);
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Mr Coder Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 16:10

Mr Coder

In my applications, I keep a "baseUrl" in my application config and I assign that to registry on bootstrapping. Later I use the following View Helper to generate the URL:


class Zend_View_Helper_UrlMap
    public function UrlMap($original)
        $newUrl  = $original;
        $baseUrl = Zend_Registry::get('baseUrl');

        if (strpos($newUrl, "http://") === false) {
            $newUrl = $baseUrl . $newUrl;

        return $newUrl;

Benefit: I can make any change on all the URLs in the view from one place.

Hope this helps.

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Mohammad Emran Hasan Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 18:10

Mohammad Emran Hasan