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Best Practice Login With Facebook, Twitter, Google or register

I've managed to program a login with Facebook system in my PHP webapplication. But now I'm a bit stuck in best practices.

Do I have to save the user's userID to my Database, the user's e-mail-address and/or name and surname? I'm asking this because I'm thinking about users changing their e-mailaddress, who aren't being able to login the next time if so.

And how can I know that when a user logs in with Facebook, and the next time with Twitter for example, that it's the same user? Probably based on he's e-mail address? But I think if you haven't changed it your standard Facebook e-mail is [email protected], right?

I'm not asking for code here, please provide me some experiences or best practices.

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Stijn Hoste Avatar asked Apr 25 '14 21:04

Stijn Hoste

People also ask

Is signing in with Google account safe?

Sign in with Google authenticates you uniquely for each service. So, even if there is a data breach on any of the sites or services you use, your personal information on all other accounts stays safe from hackers.

Is signing in with Facebook safe?

It's generally best to avoid using Facebook or Google to sign into other sites if you want to protect your privacy and sidestep unnecessary security risks. Social sign-in requires you to share data and could make your accounts more vulnerable to hackers.

Can I join Facebook through Google?

Select “Google” from the pull down menu and you'll be asked to allow Facebook and Google to interact. Once you've authorized the connection your two accounts are linked! Now sign out of Facebook (but stay logged in to your Google account) and then go to the Facebook homepage.

1 Answers

As for me, the best practice is use oauth2 library (all socials are supported it) and use database with two tables: users and users_socials.

When the users are trying to login via social, your script will create records on tables and connect this tables via "one to many" relation. All socials return unique identifier for auth user and your script can insert it onto storage for use in further.

Table scructure and test data

Table user

user_id   | email
1         | [email protected]
2         | [email protected] - if the social cannot return an email address

Table user_socials

social_id | user_id | social
123213213 | 1       | facebook
332123213 | 1       | twitter
323232321 | 2       | vk

This pattern is good, because one user can connect many socials with his account

P.s. Facebook, Twitter, Google+ - return the user email

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Dmitriy.Net Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 20:09
