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Best practice for storing HTML templates on a page?


I'm developing a rather heavy JavaScript interface to a site I'm building, and I've decided to use the (recently made official) jQuery templates plugin to generate my elements from my queries to a JSON API. Now, the problem I'm currently having is:

I'm prone to have a bunch of these templates around. One for each kind of object, some for lists, some for sections of the page, etc. Is there any preferred way of storing these templates? I've read about defining a <script> tag with an id using the template name, and then retrieving the text from there (as John Resig describes in "JavaScript Micro-Templating"), but having a bunch of those <script> tags in every single page looks a bit hackish.

So, the question is: is there any 'best practice' for this kind of scenario?

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dguaraglia Avatar asked Nov 18 '10 20:11


People also ask

Should I use HTML template?

First of all, using a template tag makes it very clear that the HTML inside of it is used in JavaScript in order to render dynamic content. Secondly, the template tag has very handy methods for copying the content inside of it so it can be added to the DOM repeatedly.

2 Answers

Why not just load your templates in a hidden element and then use $(template).clone()? That saves a lot of escaping headaches. I can't speak to performance on .clone() vs the <script> approach, but I can tell you that extra script tags are a performance penalty and just generally make code muddy.


  • Even though you have a snazzy escaping utility, mistakes will still be made, and they'll be that much harder to read through. Plus if you have to work in a team situation, especially if people roll on/roll off the project, it may not be easily understandable.

  • you could create a pointer object, say, templates = {}, and load it up with jquery object pointers to your clone-able elements like so:

     templates = {};  templates.message = $("#templates .message");  templates.dialog = $("#templates .dialog"); 

now all you have to do to create a new template is:

var newDialog = templates.dialog.clone(); 

You could make a wrapper function to accept params, and then add these with newDialog.find("title").html(title), newDialog.find("message").html(message), etc.

Again, from a performance perspective, I don't know which is faster, as i don't have time to test right now. But I know that using sanctioned methods is generally better when working on a codebase large enough to require templates... its inevitable that other people will be involved eventually, and the more you have to be around to explain things, the less time you have to do your own badass coding.

Another important aspect of performance is timing... if you are experiencing performance delays, you should make sure to break up your chunks of lengthy executable code by using setTimeout. It creates a new stack and lets the browser paint what it's already processed up to the point just before the new stack is created. This helps immensely when dealing with visual delays as part of a performance issue (typically the most common performance issue noted, especially by non-coders). If you want some more info on that, send me a message and I'll gather up some resources. Limited time right now, putting out fires at work. :)

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Jess Jacobs Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

Jess Jacobs

I have recently done this excercise and although the <script> tag approach seems a bit hackish, I accepted this as good solution and opted for my own version (John Resigs version is obviosly really good, but I went for my own easily understandable for my own brain version)

My version is a basic template and replacement using replacable values in the form ##VALUE##

TEMPLATE: (single item template or row template)

<script type="text/html" id="ItemTemplate"> <table>   <tr>     <td>##LABEL1##</td>     <td>##VALUE1##</td>   <tr> </table> </script> 


function constructFromTemplate(content, values, appendTo) {     var modifiedHtml = content;     modifiedHtml = modifiedHtml.replace(new RegExp('__', 'g'), '##');      $.each(values, function (n, v) {         modifiedHtml = modifiedHtml.replace(new RegExp('##' + n + '##', 'g'), v);     });      if (appendTo != null)      {         $(appendTo).append(modifiedHtml);         //initializePageElements();     }      return modifiedHtml; } 


The content will be returned from the function and/or you can set the appendTo parameter set the elementID to automatically append the content. (set null to not append)

The replacable values are just added as a dynamic object where the object names are the replaceable items.

var theContent = constructFromTemplate(ItemTemplate, { LABEL1: 'The Label 1 content', LABEL2: 'The Label 2 content' }, null); 

note: I have commented out //initializePageElements();, this is used to initialize jQuery plugins, styles on the template.

Only inline styles seem to work when inserting the content into the DOM

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Mark Redman Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 21:10

Mark Redman