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Best practice for method chaining ("return this")

I have an abstract class called DatabaseRow that, after being derived and constructed, is mainly loaded from a Load(object id) method.

I have lots of code that creates a new instance of the class, loads it from an ID, then returns the class. I'd like to simplify this code into one line of code (just to be neat, there are plenty of classes that will just have lists of properties that return these Loaded instances).

There are two ways I can think of doing it, but neither seem 'right' to me.

1. I could return this; at the end of my Load method and use return new Derived().Load(id);

2. I could create a generic method to return a loaded method.

public static T LoadRow<T>(object id) where T : DatabaseRow, new()
    T row = new T();
    return row;

I've seen some other code that uses the same method as number 1, but I've never seen any experienced developer recommend it, nor have I came across any methods in the .NET framework that do the same thing, so maybe this isn't best practice?

Does anybody know of any other solutions that could be better than both of these?


After reading SirViver's answer and comment, I realised that all the properties being returned need to be cached anyway. The solution was sightly different, but similar to option 2 (that I wouldn't expect anyone to come up with this answer as I didn't explain this part of the design)

All these instances will be loaded from a value retrieved from another column in the database (database relationships if you like). Instead of trying to load the new instance from this value, I made a method to load the instance from the column name and cache the loaded value in a Dictionary. This works well as this is one of the primary functions of the DatabaseRow class.

    private Dictionary<string, DatabaseRow> linkedRows;

    protected T GetLinkedRow<T>(string key) where T : DatabaseRow, new()
        if (linkedRows.ContainsKey(key)) return (T)linkedRows[key];
            T row = new T();
            linkedRows.Add(key, row);
            return row;
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Connell Avatar asked Jun 01 '11 11:06


1 Answers

Personally, I think it's bad practice to chain method calls that have actual sideffects on the object instance. To be honest, I think both examples are quite ugly "hacks" whose only purpose is saving two lines of code. I don't think the result is actually more readable either.

If you want a record to be loaded immediately, I'd probably rather supply a constructor variant that takes the ID you load from and make the object auto-populate itself on construction, though when I think about it, I wouldn't bother at all to be honest - cramming more information in a single line does not make for more read- and maintainable code.

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SirViver Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 09:09
