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Best Portal to buy and sell J2ME apps [closed]

There are so many app stores for any kind of platform out there, but when I try to find a good store to buy and sell j2me apps, I find some, but no really big one or defacto standard like I was used to have for the palm os (sites like palmgear sell nearly every program ever made for the palm and not only a subset).

Is there a store which I havn't found yet? Or is the j2me market dead?

like image 857
rdmueller Avatar asked Nov 24 '09 11:11


1 Answers

GetJar is pretty much the only cross-platforms J2ME appstore I would be comfortable in relying on as a developer.

Then, I would directly go to Mobile Network Operators and Handset Manufacturers appstores.

like image 154
michael aubert Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 17:11

michael aubert