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Best open source license for those wanting attribution? [closed]


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Which type of open source license requires attribution only?

Permissive. Permissive licenses contain minimal restrictions on how the software can be modified or redistributed. They are also known as “attribution style” licenses as they typically only require that the copyright information be retained in a notices file when the software is distributed.

What is the most restrictive open source license?

One of the most common restrictive licenses is the GNU GPL (General Public License). Its cousin, the AGPL (Affero General Public License), is also becoming more popular, as it closes the SaaS loophole found in the GPL.

Which is the least restrictive open source license?

The Mozilla Public License (MPL) is the least restrictive copyleft open source software license.

Does open source require attribution?

Nearly all open source licenses require some amount of attribution, with exception of 0BSD and some niche crayon licenses like WTFPL. The MIT license requires the notices to be included in all copies the software.

I've got had concerns of many licenses I've seen having nothing preventing other developers from taking code and claiming it as theirs. A few I've looked at included MIT and CPAL licenses. What licenses could offer some peace of mind in that regard?