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Best hosting for Ruby on Rails (as of 2012) [closed]


I was wondering what people think is currently the best host for Ruby on Rails. I found some older posts on here on the subject but I wanted to know what the current agreement is. Shared hosting is ok for now but I would like an option from dedicated hosting later.


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Dan Avatar asked Jul 11 '12 16:07


1 Answers

Even though some will complain, Heroku is still the best in my mind. Super easy to set up, super easy to scale. You can deploy to Heroku in all of 2 minutes. Best of all, it's free with basic usage.

Another thing I like about Heroku is that it has an unparalleled community using it, which means a lot of support on StackOverflow (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/heroku).

If you need to know what ratio of web/worker dynos you'd need, look here: Heroku: web dyno vs. worker dyno? How many/what ratio do I need?

Although keep this in mind: it will be a while until you need to scale. As 37signals says, deal with scaling when you have that problem.

If you're looking for more flexibility, Amazon EC2 is always a good option. You pay only for what you use, which is always nice.

Linode is still decent, and fairly cheap too.

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varatis Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09
