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'Best' Diff Algorithm [closed]




I need to implement a Diff algorithm in VB.NET to find the changes between two different versions of a piece of text. I've had a scout around the web and have found a couple of different algorithms.

Does anybody here know of a 'best' algorithm that I could implement?

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Chris Roberts Avatar asked Aug 06 '08 07:08

Chris Roberts

People also ask

What algorithm does diff use?

Myers Algorithm – human readable diffs This is used by tools such as Git Diff and GNU Diff. Original Myers time and space complexity is O(ND) where N is the sum of the lengths of both inputs and D is the size of the minimum edit script that converts one input to the other.

What diff algorithm does Github use?

Git supports 4 diff algorithms Myers, Minimal, Patience, and Histogram. And Myers is used as the default algorithm.

What is patience diff?

patience: Patience diff and longest increasing subsequence Patience diff computes the difference between two lists, for example the lines of two versions of a source file. It provides a good balance of performance, nice output for humans, and implementation simplicity.

How does git diff algorithm work?

In Git, there are four diff algorithms, namely Myers, Minimal, Patience, and Histogram, which are utilized to obtain the differences of the two same files located in two different commits. The Minimal and the Histogram algorithms are the improved versions of the Myers and the Patience respectively.

2 Answers

Well I've used the c# version on codeproject and its really good for what I wanted...


You can probably get this translated into VB.net via an online converter if you can't do it yourself...

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Calanus Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 16:10


I like An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and Its Variations by Eugene Myers. I believe it's the algorithm that was used in GNU diff. For a good background see Wikipedia.

This is quite theoretical and you might wish to find source code, but I'm not aware of any in VB.

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Christian Lescuyer Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 15:10

Christian Lescuyer