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best database design for city zip & state tables

My application will need to reference addresses. Street info will be stored with my main objects but the rest needs to be stored seperately to reduce redundancy. How should I store/retrieve ZIPs, cities and states? Here are some of my ideas.

single table solution (cant do relationships)

[locations] locationID locationParent (FK for locationID - 0 for state entries) locationName (city, state) locationZIP

two tables (with relationships, FK constraints, ref integrity)

[state] stateID stateName

[city] cityID stateID (FK for state.stateID) cityName zipCode

three tables

[state] stateID stateName

[city] cityID stateID (FK for state.stateID) cityName

[zip] zipID cityID (FK for city.cityID) zipName

Then I read into ZIP codes amd how they are assigned. They aren't specifically related to cities. Some cities have more than one ZIP (ok will still work) but some ZIPs are in more than one city (oh snap) and some other ZIPs (very few) are in more than one state! Also some ZIPs are not even in the same state as the address they belong to at all. Seems ZIPs are made for carrier route identification and some remote places are best served by post offices in neighboring cities or states.

Does anybody know of a good (not perfect) solution that takes this into consideration to minimize discrepencies as the database grows?

like image 765
ryan a Avatar asked Feb 27 '23 20:02

ryan a

2 Answers

There is actually some database(with a single table) that the USPS puts out every year with ZIP codes and state and counties and state/county codes. I would look into it. I have an (outdated) copy of it. The schema is pretty simple:

ZIPCODE nvarchar(5) not null
CITY nvarchar(50) null
STATE nvarchar(2) null
STATECODE nvarchar(50) null
COUNTY nvarchar(50) null
COUNTYCODE nvarchar(50) null
(see below)

edit: Also, I would allow your users to add a new zipcode(with city and county and such) because zipcodes are being added all the time..


edit: Actually, I guess I'm wrong. I don't have an official copy of their database.. I downloaded one of their sample files and their schema seems quite complex.

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Earlz Avatar answered Mar 08 '23 11:03


Thanks for all the replies. I wanted to give a review & my solution incase someone was interested. The question was "How should I store/retrieve ZIPs, cities and states?"

Jon Seigel gave me a fairly reassuring answer about using: Country Region (state/province) City with one to many relationships.

My reasons were redundancy and misspelling. Allowing any free-input of cities and states columns stored within the address records opens up a slew of issues with queries. Not having relational integrity could allow incorrect cities to states. I just wanted to store locations in a uniform way for users to be able to lookup.

For anybody interested my solution is this:

[state]; stateID; stateName

[location]; locationID; stateID (FK); cityName; zipID

The [location.stateID] is a foreign key relation with a one-to-many to [state.stateID]. I decided to keep the ZIP with the location table as unique ZIPs are not directly relational to a unique city. Also it seems ZIPs are not a basis for city/state boundary determination, rather they are for USPS purposes and actually indicate a carrier route and postal delivery zone which can span cities or even states. Another location record can be added with the same city name and the additional ZIP. This way ZIP searches can result in all cities & city searches can result in all zips if need be.

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ryan a Avatar answered Mar 08 '23 12:03

ryan a