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Best Data Structure to store marks and ranks of students

I have the following information of students with corresponding marks and ranks

Name   Marks  Rank
 A      30     1
 B      20     2
 C      10     3

The rank of the student is inversely proportional to the marks of the student. I have to find the best data structure to store the above information so that the following operations are executed in the most optimal manner(Best time complexity) . It can be assumed that student name is unique.

  1. Given student name , find marks and rank
  2. Given rank, find marks and name of the student
  3. Update marks of a student.

I am thinking of using two hashmaps one for student and marks mapping and another for student name and rank mapping. Is there a better data structure for this?. Is there a way that i can make use of the fact that rank is inversely proportional to marks.

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poorvank Avatar asked Jun 24 '15 09:06


People also ask

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This can be done with two data structures: A hash map that maps from student name to his grade. An order statistic tree of students, where the key for comparisons is the grade.

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2 Answers

This can be done with two data structures:

  1. A hash map that maps from student name to his grade.
  2. An order statistic tree of students, where the key for comparisons is the grade.

This allows you to do all of the following operations in O(logn):

  1. Find a student's rank: find it in the hash map, and then find its order statistic (rank) in the tree.
  2. Update a student grade: find his old grade in the map, remove it from both map and tree, and reinsert it again with the new values.
  3. Given a rank, use the order statistic tree to find the relevant student and his grade.

In addition, Finding a student's grade is done in O(1) (average case) using the hash map alone.


You can switch implementation of the student name->grade map to a tree map rather than hash map without influencing the complexity too much, and guaranteeing better worst case behavior. (Finding a grade will also be O(logn) and not O(1) with this change).

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amit Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 14:11


My suggestion is also to use two HashMap, but one of them is filled gradually instead of adding it's sorting complexity to update time. This would provide the following properties:

  • fast reading byStudent
  • slower updates O(n). If you update a lot, you could consider pulling reorder out of the addOrUpdate method, updating in batches, and calling reorder after each batch from the outside.
  • eventually fast byRank reading.

class MyClass {
    Comparator<RankedStudent> comp = Comparator.comparingInt(e -> e.marks);
    private Map<String, RankedStudent> repo = new HashMap<>();
    private Map<Integer, RankedStudent> rankCache = new HashMap<>();

    public RankedStudent getByStudent(String student) {
        return repo.get(student);

    public RankedStudent getByRank(Integer rank) {
        return Optional.ofNullable(rankCache.get(rank)).orElseGet(() -> {
            rankCache.putIfAbsent(rank, repo.values().stream().sorted((s1, s2) -> rank == s1.rank ? 1 : 0)
            return rankCache.get(rank);

    public void addOrUpdate(String student, Integer marks) {
        repo.put(student, new RankedStudent(student, marks, -1));

    public void reorder() {
        final Iterator<RankedStudent> it = repo.values().stream().sorted(comp.reversed()).iterator();
        IntStream.range(0, repo.size()).boxed().forEach(i -> it.next().rank = i + 1);

class RankedStudent {

    public String name;
    public int marks;
    public int rank;

    public RankedStudent(String name, int marks, int rank) {
        this.name = name;
        this.marks = marks;
        this.rank = rank;
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rompetroll Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 13:11
