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Best CD strategy for Kubernetes Deployments

Our current CI deployment phase works like this:

  1. Build the containers.
  2. Tag the images as "latest" and < commit hash >.
  3. Push images to repository.
  4. Invoke rolling update on appropriate RC(s).

This has been working great for RC based deployments, but now that the Deployment object is becoming more stable and an underlying feature, we want to take advantage of this abstraction over our current deployment schemes and development phases.

What I'm having trouble with is finding a sane way to automate the update of a Deployment with the CI workflow. What I've been experimenting with is splitting up the git repo's and doing something like:

  1. [App Build] Build the containers.
  2. [App Build] Tag the images as "latest" and < commit hash >.
  3. [App Build] Push images to repository.
  4. [App Build] Invoke build of the app's Deployment repo, passing through the current commit hash.
  5. [Deployment Build] Interpolate manifest file tokens (currently just the passed commit hash e.g. image: app-%%COMMIT_HASH%%)
  6. [Deployment Build] Apply the updated manifest to the appropriate Deployment resource(s).

Surely though there's a better way to handle this. It would be great if the Deployment monitored for hash changes of the image's "latest" tag...maybe it already does? I haven't had success with this. Any thoughts or insights on how to better handle the deployment of Deployment would be appreciated :)

like image 843
Leetbulb Avatar asked Apr 04 '16 16:04


People also ask

How does Argo CD help with Deployments in Kubernetes?

Unlike external CD tools that only enable push-based deployments, Argo CD can pull updated code from Git repositories and deploy it directly to Kubernetes resources. It enables developers to manage both infrastructure configuration and application updates in one system.

1 Answers

The Deployment only monitors for pod template (.spec.template) changes. If the image name didn't change, the Deployment won't do the update. You can trigger the rolling update (with Deployments) by changing the pod template, for example, label it with commit hash. Also, you'll need to set .spec.template.spec.containers.imagePullPolicy to Always (it's set to Always by default if :latest tag is specified and cannot be update), otherwise the image will be reused.

like image 84
janetkuo Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 19:10
