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Belongs to pivot table in Laravel 5

Let's say I'm having the following database schema:

enter image description here

dogs and owners are connected with classic belongsToMany. How about the walks table? I'd like to be able to use Eloquent goodies in such kind of relationship:

$dogs = Dog::with('walks')->get();
$walks = Walk::with('dogs')->get();

In theory, I could replace dog_owner_id with two separate columns: dog_id and owner_id. That would make it easy to use Eloquent, but I'd lose some data integrity, because unrelated Dog and Owner could potentially go for a walk (and that's not safe for neither!).

In Walk.php, how should the relations be defined?

public function dog() {
    // return ???;

How about Dog.php and Owner.php?

public function walks() {
    // return ???;
like image 876
Robo Robok Avatar asked Oct 02 '17 10:10

Robo Robok

People also ask

How do I name a pivot table in Laravel?

Laravel's naming convention for pivot tables is snake_cased model names in alphabetical order separated by an underscore. So, if one model is Feature , and the other model is Product , the pivot table will be feature_product .

How do I create a pivot table model in Laravel?

To create a pivot table we can create a simple migration with artisan make:migration or use Jeffrey Way's package Laravel 5 Generators Extended where we have a command artisan make:migration:pivot.

What is the use of pivot table in Laravel?

The pivot table in laravel is a structured value that is grouped and aggregated in the individual items where the extensive table is obtained or accessed in the form of a spreadsheet, database, or other discrete functions.

1 Answers

1- create 4 Models (Walk,Dog,Owner,DogOwner)

2- in Walk.php model

    public function dog()

    return $this->hasOneThrough(
        'id', // Local key on dog_owner table...
        'id', // Local key on dogs table...
        'dog_owner_id', // Foreign key on walks table...
        'dog_id' // Foreign key on dog_owner table...

public function owner()

    return $this->hasOneThrough(
        'id', // Local key on dog_owner table...
        'id', // Local key on owners table...
        'dog_owner_id', // Foreign key on walks table...
        'owner_id' // Foreign key on dog_owner table...

3- in Dog.php model

   public function walks()
    return $this->hasManyThrough(
        'dog_id', // Foreign key on dog_owner table...
        'dog_owner_id', // Foreign key on walks table...
        'id', // Local key on dogs table...
        'id' // Local key on dog_owner table...

4- in Owner.php model

   public function walks()
    return $this->hasManyThrough(
        'owner_id', // Foreign key on dog_owner table...
        'dog_owner_id', // Foreign key on walks table...
        'id', // Local key on owners table...
        'id' // Local key on dog_owner table...
like image 168
Esraa Gamal Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

Esraa Gamal