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BeforeAll is not defined (old jasmine)

I just installed Protractor v2.0.0. I tried to add beforeAll to a test and got error

ReferenceError: beforeAll is not defined

Looking at the the stacktrace I see jasmine 1.3.1 is a submodule of protractor:


beforeAll is introduced in jasmine 2.1. I tried npm i -g jasmine-before-all to no avail. How can I get this functionality to work?

like image 851
P.Brian.Mackey Avatar asked Apr 09 '15 14:04


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What is beforeall and beforeeach in a Jasmine spec?

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What is the difference between the beforeall and beforeeach functions?

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1 Answers

Protractor is still using jasmine1 by default. You have to set jasmine version in your config

framework: 'jasmine2',

You can find more information in the reference configuration file

like image 119
Sulthan Avatar answered Nov 22 '22 08:11
