I'm doing some web-scraping with BeautifulSoup in Python 3.4.
Now I have encountered a problem during my learning: I'm trying to get a table rows from a webpage and I'm using find_all() to get them, but inside the table - there are more table with table rows inside of them! how can I get only the top-level/first-level general or specific elements of a tag in BeautifulSoup?
# Retrieves all the row ('tr') tags in table
By the way, this question is a duplicate of this question (only the programming language used over there is PHP): Extract only first level paragraphs from html
Apparently there is an argument called recursive in the method find_all() and it is set by default to True.
Setting it to false, making the method to return only the top-level elements.
find_all('tr', recursive=False)
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