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Beautifly / Tidy (Javascript) in Visual Studio Code

I'm currently giving Visual Studio Code a try. Overall I like the user experience however I can't find some of the things I'm very much used to, in sublime (with the help of extensions.)

One of them is beautify code (or tidy up) - is there any way to do this for JavaScript in Visual Studio Code?

Any help is appreciated.

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Mia Avatar asked Aug 16 '15 18:08


2 Answers

If you want to beautify the code you can just press ctrl+shift+p and type format code or press alt+shift+f

It correctly indents my code so it seems like that is what you looking for, if not you might want to give an example.

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Dick van den Brink Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 08:10

Dick van den Brink

You can used the short code to beautify the code in Visual studio code

On Windows `Shift + Alt + F`
On Mac `Shift + Option + F`
On Ubuntu `Ctrl + Shift + I` 

As per the Programming language (PHP HTML Javascript ASP JSP etc )it will asked you to install a package, after installation you can use above short code.

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Avinash Raut Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 07:10

Avinash Raut