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BDD for C# NUnit





I've been using a home brewed BDD Spec extension for writing BDD style tests in NUnit, and I wanted to see what everyone thought. Does it add value? Does is suck? If so why? Is there something better out there?

Here's the source: https://github.com/mjezzi/NSpec

There are two reasons I created this

  1. To make my tests easy to read.
  2. To produce a plain english output to review specs.

Here's an example of how a test will look:

-since zombies seem to be popular these days..

Given a Zombie, Peson, and IWeapon:

namespace Project.Tests.PersonVsZombie
    public class Zombie


    public interface IWeapon
        void UseAgainst( Zombie zombie );

    public class Person
        private IWeapon _weapon;

        public bool IsStillAlive { get; set; }

        public Person( IWeapon weapon )
            IsStillAlive = true;
            _weapon = weapon;

        public void Attack( Zombie zombie )
            if( _weapon != null )
                _weapon.UseAgainst( zombie );
                IsStillAlive = false;

And the NSpec styled tests:

public class PersonAttacksZombieTests
    public void When_a_person_with_a_weapon_attacks_a_zombie()
        var zombie = new Zombie();
        var weaponMock = new Mock<IWeapon>();
        var person = new Person( weaponMock.Object );

        person.Attack( zombie );

        "It should use the weapon against the zombie".ProveBy( spec =>
            weaponMock.Verify( x => x.UseAgainst( zombie ), spec ) );

        "It should keep the person alive".ProveBy( spec =>
            Assert.That( person.IsStillAlive, Is.True, spec ) );

    public void When_a_person_without_a_weapon_attacks_a_zombie()
        var zombie = new Zombie();
        var person = new Person( null );

        person.Attack( zombie );

        "It should cause the person to die".ProveBy( spec =>
            Assert.That( person.IsStillAlive, Is.False, spec ) );

You'll get the Spec output in the output window:


- PersonAttacksZombieTests

    When a person with a weapon attacks a zombie
        It should use the weapon against the zombie
        It should keep the person alive

    When a person without a weapon attacks a zombie
        It should cause the person to die

2 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, took 0.39 seconds (NUnit 2.5.5).
like image 373
mjezzi Avatar asked Jan 16 '11 17:01


People also ask

What language is used for BDD?

Most BDD tests are written in a business-readable programming language called Gherkin, which describes business behavior without going into detail of how it is implemented. Those frameworks that do not use Gherkin use non-Gherkin domain-specific languages (DSLs) that have BDD-like features.

What is BDD C#?

Here is an introductory guide on how to use Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) with C# and SpecFlow in a . NET application. Photo by Taras Shypka on Unsplash. Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) is a technique of agile software development to ensure that the requirements of the software to be developed are fulfilled.

What is the best BDD framework?

Concordion. Concordion is one of the most powerful BDD testing tools for writing acceptance test automation scripts. It supports Java IDEs like Eclipse and Netbeans. Concordion also supports Excel, which allows you to write the specifications in the spreadsheets.

What is BDD testing?

What is BDD (Behavior-Driven Development)? Behavior-driven development is a testing practice that follows the idea of specification by example (e.g., Test-Driven Development [TDD]). The idea is to describe how the application should behave in a very simple user/business-focused language.

1 Answers

I'm going to call out some uses of BDD rather than just the framework, as I think having a really great understanding of unit-level BDD might affect some of the things you create. Overall, I like it. Here goes:

Rather than calling them PersonAttacksZombieTests, I'd just call them PersonTests or even PersonBehaviour. It makes it much easier to find the examples associated with a particular class this way, letting you use them as documentation.

It doesn't look like IsStillAlive is the kind of thing you'd want to set on a person; rather an intrinsic property. Careful making things like this public. You're adding behaviour that you don't need.

Calling new Person(null) doesn't seem particularly intuitive. If I wanted to create a person without a weapon, I would normally look for a constructor new Person(). A good trick with BDD is to write the API you want, then make the code underneath do the hard work - make code easy to use, rather than easy to write.

The behaviour and responsibilities also seem a bit odd to me. Why is the person, and not the zombie, responsible for determining whether the person lives or dies? I'd prefer to see behaviour like this:

  • A person can be equipped with a weapon (via person.Equip(IWeapon weapon)).
  • A person starts with a fist if they have no weapon.
  • When the person attacks a zombie, the person uses the weapon on the zombie.
  • The weapon determines whether the zombie lives or dies.
  • If the zombie is still alive, it attacks back. The zombie will kill the person (via person.Kill).

That seems to me as if it's got the behaviour and responsibilities in a better place. Using a different kind of weapon for useless attacks, rather than checking for null, also allows you to avoid that if statement. You'd need different tests:

  • A fist should not kill a zombie when used against it
  • A chainsaw should kill a zombie when used against it
  • A person should use their equipped weapon when attacking a zombie
  • A person should be equipped with a fist if they have no other weapon
  • A zombie should attack back when it's still alive.
  • A zombie should not attack back if it's dead.
  • A zombie should die if killed.
  • A person should die if killed.

Other than that, it looks great. I like the way you've used the mocks, the flow of strings, and the phrasing of the test methods themselves. I also quite like ProveBy; it's doing exactly what it says on the tin, and nicely ties up the difference between providing examples of behaviour and running them as tests.

like image 161
Lunivore Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 14:10
