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Bcrypt - How many iterations/cost?

I've read some articles saying you should set the cost to be at least 16 (216), yet others say 8 or so is fine.

Is there any official standard for how high the cost should be set to?

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Obto Avatar asked Oct 01 '11 20:10


1 Answers

The cost you should use depends on how fast your hardware (and implementation) is.

Generally speaking a cost of 8 or 10 is fine -- there isn't any noticable delay. It's still a huge level of protection and far better than any home-grown solution using SHAs and salts. Once you upgrade your hardware you could increase the cost to 16. I would say that 16 is a little high at this time, and will probably result in noticeable (and annoying) delays. But if 16 works for you, by all means go for it!

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Joost Baaij Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10

Joost Baaij