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Battling Java heap size, big difference between Java locally and Java web start

I had a call of a customer last weekend telling me their Java program was not responding when doing an import of data. The data is a simple Excel workbook with 4 worksheets. All data is being read from the columns and added to a database.

So I started to investigate and had some strange results.

  1. Testing the import by using Run in Netbeans. This uses Java 64-bit instance:

First run

local first run (64-bit)

Second run

local second run (64-bit)

  1. Testing the import by using Java Web start. This is being launched by opening a JNLP file and uses a Java 32-bit instance:

First run

webstart first run (32-bit)

In this case I had the same issue which the customer was reporting, the program stopped responding after a while going through the import process. This is caused because I'm reaching the max heap size as far as I can tell (red circle).

Second run

So I've decided to increase the initial heap size and max heap size by adding the following to my JNLP file: initial-heap-size="512m" max-heap-size="1024m". When I tested the import again, it seemed to work, however I notice there is much more memory used compared to the first 2 cases:

webstart second run (32-bit)

  • Why is there a 300mb difference in memory usage between case 1 and 2 compared to case 4?
  • Is this high memory usage the result of bad programming or a memory leak? Or is it normal to have such high values?
  • Is adding initial-heap-size="512m" max-heap-size="1024m" a valid solution for this issue?
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Perneel Avatar asked Nov 02 '15 15:11


People also ask

How Big Should Java heap size be?

The default Java heap size is 1280 MB, which supports fewer than 75,000 pairs. If you increase the Java heap size by 256 MB, support increases by 25,000 pairs. You can continue to increase the Java heap size until you reach the maximum heap size.

Does increasing heap size improve performance?

You can improve performance by increasing your heap size or using a different garbage collector. In general, for long-running server applications, use the J2SE throughput collector on machines with multiple processors (-XX:+AggressiveHeap) and as large a heap as you can fit in the free memory of your machine.

Is it good to set the max and min JVM heap size the same?

Larger heap size will cause less frequent, but bigger and more disruptive garbage collection if using the traditional oracle garbage collection algorithm. So bigger is not better. The exact behavior will depend on the JVM implementation.

How do I reduce Java heap space?

Preferably the heap should be at least twice the size of the total amount of live objects, or large enough so that the JVM spends less time garbage collecting the heap than running Java code. To allow the heap to grow and shrink depending on the amount of free memory in your system, set -Xms lower than -Xmx .

1 Answers

Well, the obvious differences are that your first runs are done with a 64-bit server VM and the latter ones are done with a 32-bit client VM.

Supposedly the client VM is optimized for better usability in a desktop type application, and the server VM is optimized for "server" work. I don't have a full list of the differences (or whether it's really something that works out well in actual use cases). Don't quote me on this, but I do believe that the client VM avoids GC more than the server VM, because it was at least at one point perceived as slow. That would explain why the client VM is using a lot more memory, instead of aggressively releasing it.

Fiddling with the GC parameters is sometimes the correct thing to do, and in this case it's pretty much the only thing you can do, unless you identify any significant memory leaks. It's not a bad idea to be familiar with what makes the GC tick in any case though.

like image 97
Kayaman Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 09:10
