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BatchNorm momentum convention PyTorch

Is the batchnorm momentum convention (default=0.1) correct as in other libraries e.g. Tensorflow it seems to usually be 0.9 or 0.99 by default? Or maybe we are just using a different convention?

like image 538
peter554 Avatar asked Jan 19 '18 16:01


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1 Answers

It seems that the parametrization convention is different in pytorch than in tensorflow, so that 0.1 in pytorch is equivalent to 0.9 in tensorflow.

To be more precise:

In Tensorflow:

running_mean = decay*running_mean + (1-decay)*new_value

In PyTorch:

running_mean = (1-decay)*running_mean + decay*new_value

This means that a value of decay in PyTorch is equivalent to a value of (1-decay) in Tensorflow.

like image 151
patapouf_ai Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 07:10
