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Batching and queueing in a real-time webserver

Added a server designI need a webserver which routes the incoming requests to back-end workers by batching them every 0.5 second or when it has 50 http requests whichever happens earlier. What will be a good way to implement it in python/tornado or any other language?

What I am thinking is to publish the incoming requests to a rabbitMQ queue and then somehow batch them together before sending to the back-end servers. What I can't figure out is how to pick multiple requests from the rabbitMq queue. Could someone point me to right direction or suggest some alternate apporach?

like image 250
ankit Avatar asked Aug 19 '15 14:08


People also ask

What is batch and queue system?

A mass production approach to operations in which large lots (batches) of items are processed and moved to the next process—regardless of whether they are actually needed—where they wait in a line (a queue). See: Continuous Flow; Lean Production; Overproduction; Push Production.

What is database Batch processing?

Batch processing is the processing of a large volume of data all at once. The data easily consists of millions of records for a day and can be stored in a variety of ways (file, record, etc).

What does batch processing do?

Batch processing is when a computer processes a number of tasks that it has collected in a group. It is designed to be a completely automated process, without human intervention. It can also be called workload automation (WLA) and job scheduling.

What is a batch load?

Batch Loading enables the user to extract data from any source supported by the product and load that data into their chosen cloud data platform with minimal configuration and complexity.

1 Answers

I would suggest using a simple python micro web framework such as bottle. Then you would send the requests to a background process via a queue (thus allowing the connection to end).

The background process would then have a continuous loop that would check your conditions (time and number), and do the job once the condition is met.


Here is an example webserver that batches the items before sending them to any queuing system you want to use (RabbitMQ always seemed overcomplicated to me with Python. I have used Celery and other simpler queuing systems before). That way the backend simply grabs a single 'item' from the queue, that will contain all required 50 requests.

import bottle
import threading
import Queue

app = bottle.Bottle()

app.queue = Queue.Queue()

def send_to_rabbitMQ(items):
    """Custom code to send to rabbitMQ system"""
    print("50 items gathered, sending to rabbitMQ")

def batcher(queue):
    """Background thread that gathers incoming requests"""
    while True:

def batcher_loop(queue):
    """Loop that will run until it gathers 50 items,
    then will call then function 'send_to_rabbitMQ'"""
    count = 0
    items = []
    while count < 50:
            next_item = queue.get(timeout=.5)
        except Queue.Empty:
            count += 1


@app.route("/add_request", method=["PUT", "POST"])
def add_request():
    """Simple bottle request that grabs JSON and puts it in the queue"""
    request = bottle.request.json['request']

if __name__ == '__main__':
    t = threading.Thread(target=batcher, args=(app.queue, ))
    t.daemon = True  # Make sure the background thread quits when the program ends


Code used to test it:

import requests
import json

for i in range(101):
    req = requests.post("http://localhost:8080/add_request",
                        data=json.dumps({"request": 1}),
                        headers={"Content-type": "application/json"})
like image 81
CasualDemon Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09
