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Batch file script to zip files


i have a folder structure in this pattern. I've just shown two sub directories and 2 files in each but generally I have n number of subdirectories at a single level and single level of files (but can be n number of files)under them.

Directory master subDirectory x:   file1   file2 Directory y:   file 3   file 4 

I need to create a windows script, a batch file to run from the master directory and give me two zip files x.zip and y.zip containing their respective files.

I know my script has to use for and zip commands but I am going bonkers trying to get it to work as I can't understand from the syntax of these commands and googling doesnt seem to help.

I found a command like this for %f in ("*.*") do zip "%~nf.zip" "%f" but it seems to be working only if the files are directly there without subfolders.

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user3085265 Avatar asked Dec 10 '13 03:12


2 Answers

for /d %%a in (*) do (ECHO zip -r -p "%%~na.zip" ".\%%a\*") 

should work from within a batch.

Note that I've included an ECHO to simply SHOW the command that is proposed. You'd need to remove the ECHO keywor to EXECUTE the commands.

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Magoo Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09


I know its too late but if you still wanna try

for /d %%X in (*) do (for /d %%a in (%%X) do ( "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -tzip "%%X.zip" ".\%%a\" )) 

here * is the current folder. for more options try this link

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Arun Nallamayan Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09

Arun Nallamayan