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Basics of Simulated Annealing in Python [closed]



I have to use simulated annealing for a certain optimization problem. To get a 'feel' of the technique, I wrote a small python code and tried to run it. However, it doesn't seem to be giving satisfactory results.

import random;
import math;
from math import *;

def update_temperature(T,k):
#   print "temp now is " + str(T1);
    return T1;

def get_neighbors(i,l):
        if(0<=i and i<l):
                return [1];
                return [l-2];
            return [i-1,i+1];
    return [];

def make_move(x,A,T):



    if(delta < 0):
        return nhb;
        if(r <= (e**(-1*delta)/(T*1.0))):
            return nhb;

    return x;

def simulated_annealing(A):


    while(T>0.0000001 ):
        if(A[x] < A[x_best]):

    return [x,x_best,init_pos];

def isminima_local(p,A):
    if(l==1 and p==0):
        return True;
            if(A[0] <=A[1]):
                return True;
            if(A[p-1] >=A[p]):
                return True;
        if(0<=p and p<l and A[p-1]>=A[p] and A[p]<=A[p+1]):
            return True;
    return False;

def func(x):
    return F;

def initialize(l):
    for i in xrange(0,l):
    return A;

def main():

    for i in xrange(0,LIMIT):
        if( isminima_local(i,A)):

    for i in xrange(1,LIMIT):

    print "Global Minima at \n";
    print p,m;

    print "After annealing\n";

    print "Solution is " + str(sols[0]) + " " + str(A[sols[0]]);
    print "Best Solution is " + str(sols[1]) + " " + str(A[sols[1]]);
    print "Start Solution is " + str(sols[2]) + " " + str(A[sols[2]]);

    for i in xrange(0,len(local_minima)):
            print "Solution in local Minima";
            print "Best Solution in local Minima";
    for i in local_minima:
        print i;


I am unable to understand where I am going wrong. Is there something wrong with the implementation or is there something wrong in my understanding about simulated annealing ? Please point out the error..

My rough idea about SA: Pick a random neighbor If neighbor improves your condition, move there, Else, move there with certain probability. The probability is such that initially bad moves are 'allowed' but they are 'prohibited' later on. Finally you will converge to your solution.

I have found the set of local minima and global minima using brute force. Then I run SA. I was expecting that SA will atleast converge to a local minima but that doesn't seem to be the case always. Also, I am not sure if at every step I choose a neighbor randomly and then try to move or I choose the best neighbor ( even if none of the neighbors improve my condition) and then try to move there.

like image 875
user2916473 Avatar asked Nov 03 '13 20:11


People also ask

What is simulated annealing Python?

Simulated annealing is a random algorithm which uses no derivative information from the function being optimized. In practice it has been more useful in discrete optimization than continuous optimization, as there are usually better algorithms for continuous optimization problems.

What is simulated annealing explain in brief?

Simulated annealing is a method for solving unconstrained and bound-constrained optimization problems. The method models the physical process of heating a material and then slowly lowering the temperature to decrease defects, thus minimizing the system energy.

What is simulated annealing with an example?

A typical example is the traveling salesman problem, which belongs to the NP-complete class of problems. For these problems, there is a very effective practical algorithm called simulated annealing (thus named because it mimics the process undergone by misplaced atoms in a metal when its heated and then slowly cooled).

1 Answers

For the most part, your code seems to work well. The main reason that it's slow to converge is that you only look at the two neighbors on either side of your current point: if you expand your search to include any point in A, or even just a wider neighborhood around your current point, you'll be able to move around the search space much more quickly.

Another trick with simulated annealing is determining how to adjust the temperature. You started with a very high temperature, where basically the optimizer would always move to the neighbor, no matter what the difference in the objective function value between the two points. This kind of random movement doesn't get you to a better point on average. The trick is finding a low enough starting temperature value such that the optimizer will move to better points significantly more often than it moves to worse points, but at the same time having a starting temperature that is high enough to allow the optimizer to explore the search space. As I mentioned in my first point, if the neighborhood that you select points from is too limited, then you'll never be able to properly explore the search space even if you have a good temperature schedule.

Your original code was somewhat hard to read, both because you used a lot of conventions that Python programmers try to avoid (e.g., semicolons at ends of lines), and because you did a few things that programmers in general try to avoid (e.g., using lowercase L as a variable name, which looks very similar to the numeral 1). I rewrote your code to make it both more readable and more Pythonic (with the help of autopep8). Check out the pep8 standard for more information.

In make_move, my rewrite picks one random neighbor from across the whole search space. You can try rewriting it to look in an expanded local neighborhood of the current point, if you're interested in seeing how well that works (something between what you had done above and what I've done here).

import random
import math
LIMIT = 100000

def update_temperature(T, k):
    return T - 0.001

def get_neighbors(i, L):
    assert L > 1 and i >= 0 and i < L
    if i == 0:
        return [1]
    elif i == L - 1:
        return [L - 2]
        return [i - 1, i + 1]

def make_move(x, A, T):
    # nhbs = get_neighbors(x, len(A))
    # nhb = nhbs[random.choice(range(0, len(nhbs)))]
    nhb = random.choice(xrange(0, len(A))) # choose from all points

    delta = A[nhb] - A[x]

    if delta < 0:
        return nhb
        p = math.exp(-delta / T)
        return nhb if random.random() < p else x

def simulated_annealing(A):
    L = len(A)
    x0 = random.choice(xrange(0, L))
    T = 1.
    k = 1

    x = x0
    x_best = x0

    while T > 1e-3:
        x = make_move(x, A, T)
        if(A[x] < A[x_best]):
            x_best = x
        T = update_temperature(T, k)
        k += 1

    print "iterations:", k
    return x, x_best, x0

def isminima_local(p, A):
    return all(A[p] < A[i] for i in get_neighbors(p, len(A)))

def func(x):
    return math.sin((2 * math.pi / LIMIT) * x) + 0.001 * random.random()

def initialize(L):
    return map(func, xrange(0, L))

def main():
    A = initialize(LIMIT)

    local_minima = []
    for i in xrange(0, LIMIT):
        if(isminima_local(i, A)):
            local_minima.append([i, A[i]])

    x = 0
    y = A[x]
    for xi, yi in enumerate(A):
        if yi < y:
            x = xi
            y = yi
    global_minumum = x

    print "number of local minima: %d" % (len(local_minima))
    print "global minimum @%d = %0.3f" % (global_minumum, A[global_minumum])

    x, x_best, x0 = simulated_annealing(A)
    print "Solution is @%d = %0.3f" % (x, A[x])
    print "Best solution is @%d = %0.3f" % (x_best, A[x_best])
    print "Start solution is @%d = %0.3f" % (x0, A[x0])

like image 96
hunse Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 17:10
