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bash.exe: warning: could not find /tmp, please create



why my sublime text giving me warning: bash.exe: warning: could not find /tmp, please create

although it is building and running the code correctly.

Please help me just got irritated by seeing this warning.

I have searched the whole web but i couldn't find any solution

like image 842
user3435307 Avatar asked Mar 18 '14 22:03


3 Answers

This error message is misleading. At least for me it did not solve the problem after creating /tmp directory. Problem was solved after I killed sh.exe.

like image 149
ND72 Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 13:11


To piggyback on Kode Charlie's answer:

Open Start Menu

Type "cmd"

Press Enter

type "bash"

Press Enter

type "mkdir /tmp"

Press Enter

Close the command prompt window

Solved the error for me in Sublime Text 2.

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Necro Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11


In my case I am using windows. My solution was:

  1. Find "bash.exe" at git folder installation - default is "C:\Program Files\Git\bin";

  2. Double click bash.exe;

  3. At the command line type: mkdir /tmp

And done.

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Joao Carlos Neto Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11

Joao Carlos Neto