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"bash: play: command not found" when trying heroku for the first time

I'm trying out Play! with heroku and was going through the guide in the heroku site (https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/play). After deploying my sample app, I noticed the dyno crashed. I checked the heroku logs and found out that heroku couldn't find the play command.

Anyone know how to install the Play! framework on heroku? I searched the dev center but couldn't find any info.

like image 974
john_c Avatar asked Dec 09 '22 17:12


1 Answers

I had the same issue and the fix was changing the Procfile to use the command target/start instead of play and then pushing it to Heroku. Refer to the diff below.

Diff file for getting Play 2.0 framework to work

like image 149
adib Avatar answered Jun 09 '23 17:06
