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Bad performance when use RecyclerView inside NestedScrollView

I'm developing a search contact feature, in that screen, there is a RecyclerView inside NestedScrolView (fillViewport = true). Screen design: (This design is accepted by customer, I can't change it)
enter image description here
After loading all contacts of current device into an ArrayList, the search results are filtered from this array.
There is several cases that make the app very laggy:
1. When user type an input that have no result, then user clear search, I have to show all results again. The NestedScrollView has to render UI for all items of RecyclerView (for example: 300 items).
2. When the quantity of results has many changes (for example, from 1 to 300 items). The NestedScrollView has to render UI for a lot of items of RecyclerView

I know this design breaks recycling technique of RecyclerView, but I can't change it.
What I tried:


In AndroidManifest:


The adapter:

public class RecyclerContactAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<RecyclerContactAdapter.ViewHolder> {

    private List<MobileContact> contacts;
    private Context context;

    public RecyclerContactAdapter() {
        contacts = new ArrayList<>();

    public ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
        this.context = parent.getContext();
        View view = LayoutInflater.from(context)
                .inflate(R.layout.item_recycler_contact, parent, false);

        return new ViewHolder(view);

    public void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder holder, int position) {
        //set data for view

    public int getItemCount() {
        return contacts.size();

    protected class ViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
        private TextView tvAlphabetHeader;
        private CircleImageView civAvatar;
        private TextView tvContactName;
        private TextView tvStatus;
        private CheckBox cbInvited;
        private RelativeLayout rlAlphabetHeader;
        private RelativeLayout rlContainer;

        protected ViewHolder(View itemView) {
            tvAlphabetHeader = itemView.findViewById(R.id.item_recycler_contact_tv_alphabet_header);
            civAvatar = itemView.findViewById(R.id.item_recycler_contact_civ_avatar);
            tvContactName = itemView.findViewById(R.id.item_recycler_contact_tv_name);
            tvStatus = itemView.findViewById(R.id.item_recycler_contact_tv_status);
            cbInvited = itemView.findViewById(R.id.item_recycler_contact_cb_contact);
            rlAlphabetHeader =  itemView.findViewById(R.id.item_recycler_contact_rl_alphabet);
            rlContainer = itemView.findViewById(R.id.item_recycler_contact_rl_contact);

    public void addAll(List<MobileContact> mobileContacts) {

    public void add(MobileContact mobileContact) {

    public List<MobileContact> getContacts() {
        return this.contacts;

like image 384
Think Twice Code Once Avatar asked Dec 18 '17 08:12

Think Twice Code Once

People also ask

How do you solve the performance problem in a RecyclerView?

Use the setHasFixedsize method If the height of our RecyclerView items is fixed then we should use the setHasFixedsize method in our XML of our card item. This will fix the height of our RecyclerView item and prevent it from increasing or decreasing the size of our Card Layout.

Can we use RecyclerView inside RecyclerView in Android?

The RecyclerView widget manages the display and handling of items in a list. It provides Layout Managers to position these items. This way, you can create customized layout managers for RecyclerView containers. We can use a RecyclerView inside another RecyclerView.

How do I stop NestedScrollView scrolling?

setnestedscrollingenabled set it to false.

1 Answers

You are using RecyclerView incorrectly. Instead of putting your RecyclerView inside NestedScrollView put your "Header" and "Search box" inside RecyclerView as different view types.

This answer is a good example.

like image 183
Okas Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 23:10
