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Bad idea to put a dom operation inside a redux reducer?

I have several actions which use the same reducer, and instead of having a dom operation in each of those actions, I want to just add it once inside my shared reducer. I know reducers are to be pure (which the returned data still is), but is this some kind of anti-pattern or an acceptable strategy?

      !payload.length &&
        document.getElementById('posts-cont').classList.add('no-more-posts'); // this 
      const total = state.posts.length + payload.length;
      const limit = total > posts_to_keep_limit ? 50 : 0;
      return {
        posts: [...state.posts.slice(limit), ...payload],
        loading: false,
like image 762
ram Avatar asked Jan 24 '23 19:01


1 Answers

Redux Action

      // you don't need to use below code.
      // !payload.length && document.getElementById('posts-cont').classList.add('no-more-posts'); // this 
      const total = state.posts.length + payload.length;
      const limit = total > posts_to_keep_limit ? 50 : 0;
      return {
        posts: [...state.posts.slice(limit), ...payload],
        nomore: true,
        loading: false,

Your component.

function YourComp(props){
  const state = useSelector(...); 

  return ( <div id="posts-cont" className={state.nomore ? 'no-more-posts' : ''} > {...}</div>

like image 127
kyun Avatar answered Jan 27 '23 08:01
