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Background service with location listener in android

I am creating a background service that will run in its own process. It should allow me to listen if the device location has changed. I should be able to change criteria like the distance moved before notifying the UI.

How can I do the same? I have a little knowledge of service and LocationListener implementations. Any tutorials around the net would be appreciated.

I got one back-link from stack overflow, but I didn't understand much of it.

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Nilanchala Panigrahy Avatar asked Jan 23 '13 11:01

Nilanchala Panigrahy

People also ask

How do I manage background location permissions in Android?

In order to enable background location access, users must set the Allow all the time option for your app's location permission on a settings page, as described in the guide on how to Request background location.

What is using my location in the background?

Android 10 features a background access location reminder, which increases transparency into how much access apps have to a device's location and helps users maintain control over such access. In Android 9 and lower, an app can track a device's location while running in the background without the user's knowledge.

Why does your app need access to location in the background?

Background location may only be used to provide features beneficial to the user and relevant to the core functionality of the app. Apps designed specifically for children must comply with the Designed for Families policy.

1 Answers

First you need to create a Service. In that Service, create a class extending LocationListener. For this, use the following code snippet of Service:

public class LocationService extends Service { public static final String BROADCAST_ACTION = "Hello World"; private static final int TWO_MINUTES = 1000 * 60 * 2; public LocationManager locationManager; public MyLocationListener listener; public Location previousBestLocation = null;  Intent intent; int counter = 0;  @Override public void onCreate() {     super.onCreate();     intent = new Intent(BROADCAST_ACTION); }  @Override public void onStart(Intent intent, int startId) {     locationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);     listener = new MyLocationListener();     if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED && ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {         return;     }     locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER, 4000, 0, (LocationListener) listener);     locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 4000, 0, listener); }  @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {     return null; }  protected boolean isBetterLocation(Location location, Location currentBestLocation) {     if (currentBestLocation == null) {         // A new location is always better than no location         return true;     }      // Check whether the new location fix is newer or older     long timeDelta = location.getTime() - currentBestLocation.getTime();     boolean isSignificantlyNewer = timeDelta > TWO_MINUTES;     boolean isSignificantlyOlder = timeDelta < -TWO_MINUTES;     boolean isNewer = timeDelta > 0;      // If it's been more than two minutes since the current location, use the new location     // because the user has likely moved     if (isSignificantlyNewer) {         return true;         // If the new location is more than two minutes older, it must be worse     } else if (isSignificantlyOlder) {         return false;     }      // Check whether the new location fix is more or less accurate     int accuracyDelta = (int) (location.getAccuracy() - currentBestLocation.getAccuracy());     boolean isLessAccurate = accuracyDelta > 0;     boolean isMoreAccurate = accuracyDelta < 0;     boolean isSignificantlyLessAccurate = accuracyDelta > 200;      // Check if the old and new location are from the same provider     boolean isFromSameProvider = isSameProvider(location.getProvider(),             currentBestLocation.getProvider());      // Determine location quality using a combination of timeliness and accuracy     if (isMoreAccurate) {         return true;     } else if (isNewer && !isLessAccurate) {         return true;     } else if (isNewer && !isSignificantlyLessAccurate && isFromSameProvider) {         return true;     }     return false; }    /** Checks whether two providers are the same */ private boolean isSameProvider(String provider1, String provider2) {     if (provider1 == null) {         return provider2 == null;     }     return provider1.equals(provider2); }    @Override public void onDestroy() {     // handler.removeCallbacks(sendUpdatesToUI);          super.onDestroy();     Log.v("STOP_SERVICE", "DONE");     locationManager.removeUpdates(listener); }  public static Thread performOnBackgroundThread(final Runnable runnable) {     final Thread t = new Thread() {         @Override         public void run() {             try {                 runnable.run();             } finally {              }         }     };     t.start();     return t; } public class MyLocationListener implements LocationListener {      public void onLocationChanged(final Location loc)     {         Log.i("*****", "Location changed");         if(isBetterLocation(loc, previousBestLocation)) {             loc.getLatitude();             loc.getLongitude();             intent.putExtra("Latitude", loc.getLatitude());             intent.putExtra("Longitude", loc.getLongitude());             intent.putExtra("Provider", loc.getProvider());             sendBroadcast(intent);          }     }      @Override     public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status, Bundle extras) {      }      public void onProviderDisabled(String provider)     {         Toast.makeText( getApplicationContext(), "Gps Disabled", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show();     }       public void onProviderEnabled(String provider)     {         Toast.makeText( getApplicationContext(), "Gps Enabled", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();     } } 

Add this Service any where in your project, the way you want! :)

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Usman Kurd Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 16:09

Usman Kurd