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background-attachment: fixed interfering with background-size


I've got a background image scaled to fit inside its container, and I have appropriate fallbacks (not shown) for when Modernizr detects that the browser does not support background-size.

.wrap {     width: 200px;     height: 116px;     position: absolute;     background-image: url(image.jpg);     background-attachment: fixed;     background-position: 0 0;     background-size: 200px 116px;     background-repeat: no-repeat; } 

Here's an example: http://jsfiddle.net/crowjonah/6xYNm/

It looks beautiful in Chrome, Firefox, Safari (desktop and iOS), however I'm having trouble on some instances of Android.

Here's a UA for a device that displays correctly:

Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.0.4; en-us; Xoom Build/IMM76L) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Safari/534.30 

and here's a UA for a device that doesn't:

Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.2.2; en-us; sdk Build/JB_MR1.1) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/534.30 

The newer version of Android (emulated) scales the fixed background image to be all blown out and pixellated in order to fit (I think) the viewport, and does not heed the size of its container or the defined background-size.

And that's all fine. In fact, that's what MDN says will happen:

If the background's attachment is fixed, the background positioning area is instead the entire area of the browser window, not including the area covered by scrollbars if they are present.

My problem is that I don't know how to reasonably detect when that will or won't be the case so that I can adjust accordingly. Because of the layout and animations on the page, I really do want the background to be fixed for all browsers that support it well, and can settle for scroll in this outlying case if I can figure out how to target it.

Update (10/3/2013): In order to prevent confusion, I've updated the fiddle to demonstrate a more realistic and problematic example that justifies more of the CSS properties I've defined: http://jsfiddle.net/crowjonah/QtpVN/

like image 694
crowjonah Avatar asked May 16 '13 22:05


People also ask

What does background-attachment fixed mean?

fixed : Specifies that the background image will be fixed against the containing block and will not scroll. inherit : If set, the associated element takes computed value of its parent element's background-attachment property. Initial values. scroll. Applies to.

How do I make the background image fit my screen size?

Using CSS, you can set the background-size property for the image to fit the screen (viewport). The background-size property has a value of cover . It instructs browsers to automatically scale the width and height of a responsive background image to be the same or bigger than the viewport.

Why is my background image getting cropped?

Property value "cover" will make the image to cover available space, if the image is small then it will be scaled up to cover available space, If the image is big then it will be scaled down to cover the available space, in either case, there is a chance that image may get cropped in order to fill the available space.

How do you keep the background of a picture fixed?

To keep your background fixed, scroll, or local in CSS, we have to use the background-attachment property. Background-attachment: This property is used in CSS to set a background image as fixed or scroll. The default value of this property is scroll.

2 Answers

you could prepare the CSS within two classes .works {...} and .does_not_work {...}, and then check things via JavaScript, to answer the question, which case you is faced with. Depending upon the result, the JavaScript will just adjust for these CSS classes above. In the end, who is going to switch off JavaScript within her mobile phone (i.e. Android)? What Do you think about this idea? Regards, M.

like image 74
Micha Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 00:12


Remove background-size add display:block;

And try it again

like image 26
masoud soroush Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 01:12

masoud soroush