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Backbone.js + KendoUI - Routing, Views, and Structuring with Grid

What I'm doing:

I'm creating a sample app that shows how to incorporate Kendo UI controls with Backbone.js using Rails 3 as a JSON server.

So far, I have Backbone Views that are managing templates in an erb file and a Backbone Router that is managing the Views themselves - depending on the links that are clicked.

When this is finished, I want to make it all available as a tutorial to help folks who want to get into Backbone - and KendoUI (which is pretty damn cool as well).

The Problem:

The Kendo grid is not rendering through the Users View render method - even though it's container template is.

Right now, I am having to render the grid from the Users method of the Router - after the router has rendered the User view.

enter image description here

It seems odd that the template renders, but the grid does not - or am I missing something?

Maybe it will be simpler to understand once you see the code:


<h1>Kendo Grid Test</h1>

<div id="nav"></div>

<div id="container">

<!-- The templates below will be placed  here dynamically    -->


<!-- TEMPLATES -->
<script type="text/template" id="users-grid-template">  
    <p>Users Grid Template</p>

    <div id="users-grid"></div> 


<script type="text/template" id="posts-grid-template">  
    <div id="posts-grid"></div> 

<script type="text/template" id="nav-template">
    <ul id="nav_container">
        <li><a href="#users">Users</a></li>
        <li><a href="#posts">Posts</a></li>

Backbone Users View

window.UsersView = Backbone.View.extend({

            initialize: function() {                                
                _.bindAll(this, "render");
                this.usersGrid = _.template($("#users-grid-template").html());

            render: function() {                
                return this;


Backbone Router

window.AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({

        routes: {
            'users': 'users',
            'posts': 'posts'


        initialize: function() {            
            this.usersView = new UsersView;

        posts: function() {
            var container = $("#container");

        users: function() { 

            var container = $("#container");


            var UsersData = new kendo.data.DataSource({
                    transport: {
                        read: {
                            url: "/users",
                            dataType: "json"

                var grid = $("#users-grid").kendoGrid({

                    dataSource: UsersData,

                    columns: [
                        field: "first_name",
                        title: "First Name"
                        field: "last_name",
                        title: "Last Name",



    window.App = new AppRouter();

As you can see, the Kendo UI grid is dynamically generated and placed into the <div id="users-grid"></div> of the "users-grid-template". But, I have to do a separate 'append' method in order to get the grid into the template. This seems unnecessary.

It seems like I should be able to place all of this...

enter image description here

... inside of the UsersView Render method - without having to use the append method. But I can't get that to work.

Any suggestions on how to structure this? Or whether or not my current code is structured correctly?

Advice much appreciated!

EDIT - Simplified Solution (thanks to Derick)

I realized that I was over-complicating this. I was trying to use Backbone to do what Kendo was already doing - managing its grid and datasource.

Since Backbone is so modular, and all I really needed for the moment was it's Router, I removed all the views - except for the Navigation view - and just used the Router and let Kendo do its thing.

I think the solution is much simpler and easier to manage code. (at least for me)


        window.Navigation = Backbone.View.extend({
        el: $("#nav"),          

        initialize: function() {            
            _.bindAll(this, "render");
            this.nav = $("#nav-template").html();

        render: function() {
            return this;


    window.nav = new Navigation;  

    window.AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({

        routes: {
            'users': 'users',
            'posts': 'posts'


        initialize: function() {            
            var container = $("#container");

        posts: function() {
            var container = $("#container");

        users: function() { 

            var container = $("#container");
            usersTemplate = _.template($("#users-grid-template").html());

            var UsersData = new kendo.data.DataSource({
                    transport: {
                        read: {
                            url: "/users",
                            dataType: "json"


                    dataSource: UsersData,

                    columns: [
                        field: "first_name",
                        title: "First Name"
                        field: "last_name",
                        title: "Last Name",


    window.App = new AppRouter();

// Closing jquery tag    

Hopefully someone will find this useful.

Next step - apply CRUD to this.

like image 421
PhillipKregg Avatar asked Feb 09 '12 20:02


1 Answers

the problem is caused by lack of scoping the selector when trying to call .kendoGrid. Stuffing your contents in to the el.html(...) doesn't attach your view's el to the DOM, so a call to $("#users-grid") doesn't have anything to find, yet.

You can still call kendoGrid on the view's el, but you have to scope your "#user-grid" selector to the view to do it:


  render: function(){

      // kendo grid options here 


calling this.$ as a function on a view is a shortcut method on the view, to use the el as the context for your jquery selector. It's the same as calling this.$el.find("#users-grid")

FWIW: I'm using Kendo a lot these days, and loving it with Backbone. I haven't yet run in to a Kendo control that needs any real special handling outside of a view's render method.

like image 83
Derick Bailey Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 04:11

Derick Bailey