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Backbone.js global events


A quick question regarding Events in Backbone - is there any way to define a set of global events, which can be re-used in different views?

For instance - say I have several Views which are rendered on the page. Each View has a button that will expand a menu. There are also several other generic elements and events. Without putting this event logic into each View, is there a way that each of these Views could inherit, or pull these events from a global events definition? It would certainly save time and be a lot cleaner solution by defining these generic events in one place.

I've seen terms such as Event Aggregator and Factory patterns thrown around - but not sure on the best approach (or if they will achieve what I'm after).

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crawf Avatar asked Apr 06 '12 10:04


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1 Answers

You're basically describing an event aggregator or dispatcher, yes. I've got a couple of articles on building and using them with Backbone:



And there are plenty more articles around the web for doing the same with Backbone and other pub/sub libraries.

It's quite simple to do in Backbone:

vent = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);

and now you have a vent object that can be used as an event aggregator throughout all of your application's views and other objects.

vent.on("some:event", function(){
  console.log("some event was fired");

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Derick Bailey Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 16:09

Derick Bailey